4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
May 11, 2009
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thanks for great work again, and others who involved! I am sorry i didnt test new skin version yet, i was kinda "off the grid", RealLife(tm), etc. Will text in some of next days! :)


Portal Pro
June 24, 2007
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Germany Germany
What's the bug in MyFilms? Try to be more specific if you can when reporting bugs. Do you mean that the poster is a bit smaller and in a diff place on Details? It moves up because if you define supplementary info in MyFilms config then that data appears below the slightly smaller poster in Details. For example, I have defined Supplementary Info to show Subtitles there. However, if you think the posters should be the same size and in the same position I can try moving the supplementary info. But I don't know where since I had a hard time finding any good place for it on that screen!

That was it! Maybe you get post a screen, how it looks at your pc?

Yeah, i thought i configured the logos. But since they are not shown, i configured it wrong. I will check it at home. :)

I would LOVE to enter a variable for a path in several places in xml files but I can't figure out how! For example, %ALLUSERSPROFILE% which works in Windows, does not work in an xml. And I can't use ".." in MyFilmsLogos.xml because it is in your [USERDATA] folder while the logos are in your skin folder. ARGH! If you have any ideas, let me know!

I'll tell you if i find something out. :)


Portal Pro
March 17, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
I would LOVE to enter a variable for a path in several places in xml files but I can't figure out how! For example, %ALLUSERSPROFILE% which works in Windows, does not work in an xml. And I can't use ".." in MyFilmsLogos.xml because it is in your [USERDATA] folder while the logos are in your skin folder. ARGH! If you have any ideas, let me know!

Hey Dadeo,

System variables (the one you refer to such as %ALLUSERSPROFILE%) are not recognized by the skin engine (afaik). Tried a couple more just now and none of them work.


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    joz thanks, MP 1.1.0 uses the [USERDATA] folder for skins I believe, so I am hoping I will be able to reference other folders by using '..' for parent and then the desired subfolder. We'll have to wait and see :)

    Eyep0p - here's a screenshot of MyFilms showing all data. You can set up to 3 Supplementary Info fields in MyFilms config. In my setup I used:
    1. Languages 2. Subtitles 3. Media Label (It is scrolling but says Divx2.01 which is the catalog# in my library so I know where to find the DVD!)
    There are a few difficulties with MyFilms Supplementary info:
    1. The labels of any defined field in Supplementary item1 and item2 display even if there is no data (item3 cannot have a label)
    2. You have to leave space for users who wish to display Supp. Info fields and you never know what fields they may choose.
    3. If users do not use Supp Info fields, then there is a blank space on the screen where it would display if there was Supp Info. So I don't want to put Languages (my item1) and Subtitles (my item2) together as if will leave a huge space between actors and description for users that do not use Supp. Info fields. Plus, only 3 lines of actors and plot display in 18pt font as it is!

    I tried to display data in places where it would look good whether or not there was data. AND I was trying to display as much eye candy (fanart) as possible without obscuring it with unnecessary labels/text.

    The second screenshot shows the poster the same size as the main screen with subtitles moved up below the Optional Title. It's OK, but not great and it looks kinda funny when there are no subtitles and no Optional title cuz then you have the word "Subtitles" kinda stuck there in the middle of nowhere! The Supp Info fields are hardcoded so I cannot 'merge' them or do much of anything with them other than display them.

    EDIT: Joz and I always wanted to put them in the scrolling ticker at the bottom, but they won't display there, they have to have a particular and unique control ID to display)

    Any ideas?


    Portal Pro
    June 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    thanks for the looooong explanation. :) now my head hurts. ;)
    i'm looking for an installer right now. found the nullsoft system. but its very complicated and i'm not good in scripting. maybe someone else can have a look on that or can code a configuration screen as seen in StreamedMP!?!


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Forget the looong explanation! :p Do you prefer the poster the same size as the main screen? I think I do, because I think most users don't even use Supplementary Info fields in MyFilms. I generally feel it is best to design for the most 'normal' case, not the exceptions. So I do appreciate you pointing that out.

    Without the Supplementary Info fields the screen would look like this screenshot.


    Portal Pro
    June 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    ok. looks good now!

    two more things for you.

    1. tv-channellist seems to have a bug. if i browse through my list only the first or the last of the five channels is selected. maybe you can have a look on that. (screenshot) and check if its

    2. in online videos the videooverlay for youtube isnt working. but maybe it has something to do with my setup. in apple trailers it works. seems to have something to do with the flashvideos.


    • tv-channels.jpg
      80.5 KB


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    1. I haven't even touched that xml yet, thanks for reminding me. However, it does scroll through all my channels. What happens when you press the down arrow? up arrow?
    2. Yup, I have the same error. In fact, if I play the video several times sometimes it shows a videowindow and sometimes the music window with the streaming radio logo in it! I'm gonna have to work on this one!

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