[Android] aMPdroid - Android MediaPortal Client (2 Viewers)


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  • December 1, 2007
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    I'm really looking forward to this plugin/app.
    Regarding music, the ability to control the MP PC from an app is definitely high on my list. I also feel this should come in two forms, either play the track now or add to playlist. (the same way you control music if you were using MP itself) and also manage the current playlist (add/remove/reorganise)

    In fact this is could be THE reason that persuades me to get a android tablet for the home!

    The ability to play music from MP on an Android device itself is not a big priority for me, as I already use another app for this that works very well if anyone else is interested. The app is called AudioGalaxy, and requires a small program to be installed on your PC (but this just sits in the tray and once you're setup you don't need to interact with it again)
    If the functions of audiogalaxy could be integrated with this plugin then that would be good, but the good thing about audiogalaxy is that you can also use a web browser, not just an android device, to listen to your music at home.


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  • January 17, 2009
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    AW: [Android] aMPdroid - Android MediaPortal Client

    This looks amazing. :eek: Can't wait to test this. Maybe some beta release :)

    iPimp was cool, but the reaction of GUI is not that fast. In your video this looks really smooth. I love the option to download a series, music and not to stream.

    For the music section maybe some ideas:
    • Something like a settings screen for music or videos. To set default path @phone.
    • Multiselect for Download of Music
    • Download whole album or "collection" of music
    • Posibility to rate music as easy as possible. Direct on short touch or something like that.

    How about a pluginsystem for ampdroid. Something like onlinevideos for ampdroid. *only kidding* *hehe*

    Really great stuff you are doing. Like to see some test version as soon as possible.


    Portal Pro
    April 19, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    I just looked at the teaser... YOU ARE SICK MAN!!! This was better than ever expected! :)

    Drool.... when can my Desire be honoured with this app? :)


    Portal Member
    December 2, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    I am really looking forward to this. I would love to pay you for this, so I'd like to see it in the Market with a cost. It's definitely worth it. It looks like one of the apps that Android users can say, "this is what people without Android are missing" - so polished and well made.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 11, 2007
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    Hi guys,

    thx for all the comments, work on ampdroid is getting along very well, although since I'm still the only dev it'll still take a few more weeks until I have a version that I see fit for public release (Internal testing is already ongoing)...

    How about a pluginsystem for ampdroid. Something like onlinevideos for ampdroid. *only kidding* *hehe*
    I was actually discussing this with offbyone (the author of onlinevideos) a few days ago... ;) But before starting with cool stuff like this I need to get a working version with the base features out.

    Drool.... when can my Desire be honoured with this app? :)
    I will release a test version once MediaPortal 1.2 Beta is out and all the backends stable enough so I won't have to support user problems all day... ;) I'd say in a few weeks.

    I am really looking forward to this. I would love to pay you for this, so I'd like to see it in the Market with a cost. It's definitely worth it. It looks like one of the apps that Android users can say, "this is what people without Android are missing" - so polished and well made.
    It will definately be in the market, and there will be probably a free and a donate version (for the people who want an easy way to contribute). I'll have to think about these options a bit more. One option would also be to release the free version with ad support and remove the ads in the paid version, but I'm not sure if I want to do that. How would you feel about a version with let's say an admob ad on the homescreen (below the icons)?


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  • December 1, 2007
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    It will definately be in the market, and there will be probably a free and a donate version (for the people who want an easy way to contribute). I'll have to think about these options a bit more. One option would also be to release the free version with ad support and remove the ads in the paid version, but I'm not sure if I want to do that. How would you feel about a version with let's say an admob ad on the homescreen (below the icons)?

    I'd say that was perfectly reasonable, I think a lot of users watching this thread won't mind giving up a euro or 2 for it straight away.
    I know I'd buy, if that was the case.


    Portal Member
    December 2, 2008
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    I believe I've read that ad supported apps on Android make more money than straight-up paid apps (like Angry Birds), so that's something to consider. But I don't know if these ad-supported apps need click-throughs to generate revenue, in which case, I'd say you *might* get less clicks from your average MP user than your average Angry Birds user. I personally don't care for ad-supported apps when the app is worth the money to straight-up buy, but if it makes more money for you, then I support that. I'd also love to see more apps made by you - you seem very competent!


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  • February 21, 2007
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    Have to agree with the statements above. I would gladly pay for a no-ads version.
    I personally try to avoid(rather pay) ad-supported apps, I just find them so annoying and wasting to much space on the screen :)


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    MP is open source right? Will this app be open source as well like most of the plugins here?
    I have no intention of rubbing anyones feelings, but to me selling an app for a free program feels a little bit ... off. I cant find the right words for it.. But I might be uninformed here. Are there more plugins available for mediaportal you need to buy? (Im just asking as Im unaware of this)
    As for adds, Personally I am no fan. It generates data, occupies too much of the too little screen already. It can be quite distracting at times. Adds in view would take away some of the glamour when showing off to friends ghehe...

    With that said... I would gladly donate for an app like this. :) It is very... VERY good looking. I am following the development of this thread closely :)

    A different approach could be.
    - dont put it in the market, but make it available for download here.
    - Make an infotab in the programm with a putton/link in there to be able to donate. You can even produce a popup screen every day/week/month with the question if youd like to donate.

    Well, this is just my thought about the current topic.

    Thank you for all the hard work you are putting in to this program. You are really taking the development of an addon like this to a higher level. I applaud iT!! Thank you!


    MP Donator
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  • December 1, 2007
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    I think edterbak could have a point, so I'd suggest a donate option from a setting screen or something similar but still put it on the market for free. I think it costs $25 to put an app on the market, but I think you'd get that back from donations

    +1 for no ads too :)

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