[Announce] MPTvClient V1.2.5 (20.12.2007) II (1 Viewer)


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  • January 4, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hey guys...

    I've got TV server Rc1 loaded and working perfectly with my MediaPortal clients. However I just can't get the TVClient tool to work. I have enabled remote SQL connections on the SQL server.

    Any advice on this error?

    You need to edit the gentle.config in the TVClient tool directory to fit your system configuration AS WELL AS the gentle.config in your ...application data/TV Server directory (on the PC which runs the TV-Server).

    @ gemx: I couldn't find anything in this thread about updating the EPG listing so I am going to ask: Is it possible to have the MP TV Client update the EPG listing every now and then ? It loads the listings once and doesn't update it. So even if the next show is on on a channel the old show is still diplayed in the first row.



    Portal Pro
    December 17, 2005
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    Sweden Sweden
    Anyone have any clue how I can change the IP address my TVServer is streaming out on? I'm running MP 1.0 RC1 and when I go into the TV server config I can change the streaming server IP but the only option I get is the local IP. Since I want to reach it from the Internet I need to change this to my WAN IP, but I can't unless there is somewhere to hard code it into the registry or something.

    Am I the only one with this problem?

    Any ideas?


    Portal Member
    March 4, 2006
    Home Country
    Israel Israel
    Anyone have any clue how I can change the IP address my TVServer is streaming out on? I'm running MP 1.0 RC1 and when I go into the TV server config I can change the streaming server IP but the only option I get is the local IP. Since I want to reach it from the Internet I need to change this to my WAN IP, but I can't unless there is somewhere to hard code it into the registry or something.

    Am I the only one with this problem?

    Any ideas?

    I don't think changing the steaming IP to your WAN number, even if it was possible, can help you access TV server from the Internet.
    First of all to access your internal IP you must configure your router to make a NAT inside (some times called Virtual Server) to the internal IP of your TV server.
    But even after doing so, if your upstream is less than several Mbits/sec , you'll probably won't be able to see a reasonable picture.



    Portal Pro
    December 17, 2005
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I guess I should add more details to try and eliminate some confusion.

    The MPTVClient works as far as showing the channels list (database connection works). When I double-click a channel VLC opens up but can't connect, when I look in the task bar of VLC while it's trying to connect it says RTSP://, which is my LAN IP for the TVService.

    If I use the option to "override streaming URL" I can connect and watch TV (TVService connection works) wihout any problems. The problem with this method is that when I don't know the stream (if the stream would be "stream6.0" or something) the override option will show the wrong stream.

    My conclusion is then that MPTVClient recieves the TVService IP from the TVService or the database and since this is the local IP it won't work.

    Btw, my connection speed is 24/10. That is 24 Mbit downstram and 10Mbit upstream. In my world 10Mbit would be enough to transmit any TV data. ;)


    MP Donator
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  • January 4, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    You have to use a dynamic IP adress to make this work (AND NAT of course) and enter it into the gentle.config files.



    Portal Pro
    December 17, 2005
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    What exactly do you mean by dynamic IP address? If you mean I should let the DHCP assign an IP that can't be correct. If I do that my friewall won't know which IP the TV server is on.

    I looked through the Gentle.config of the MPTVClient (I assume it's this Gentle config you meant), but I can't find any setting where to add the IP to the TV server. You did however type "Gentle.config files" which implies I have to change them all?! The only settings I can find in the Gentle.config files are in regards to the database.


    Portal Pro
    May 29, 2007
    I just installed MpTvClient and it is working fine except for the slughish behavior of the MpTvClient window.

    Application responsiveness is terribly slow after server is connected. Window drag, mouse clicks, everything takes 3 seconds to respond.

    Is that normal?


    Portal Pro
    December 17, 2005
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I just tried myself and I have no problem moving the windows around while streaming TV. I can switch between tabs and refresh them without any delays.

    Maybe go over .NET updates, try streaming directly to VLC (skip using MPTVClient).


    Portal Pro
    May 29, 2007
    Actually, VLC is not even opened and server is not timeshifting.

    When I hit connect MpTvClient becomes slugish. Every other application is fine. Please note that this is before I start timeshifting.

    After starting timeshifing, VLC plays fine but MPTvClient is still slugish.

    VLC alone plays fine too.

    I'll see about .NET updates anyway.

    As for .net updates, windows update shows no updates for me.


    Portal Pro
    December 17, 2005
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    If I understand correctly, you are saying that MpTvClient works fine until you click on Connect? If so this problem could be network related in some way. I'm not sure how though.

    Can you run MediaPortal and watch TV without problem from the same machine as you run MpTvClient on? If this works as well I'm even more confused. :/

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