That's correct. I didn't even had to start a video this time. Just before I started a video the whole MP GUI switches to a window. After that I closed MP and the debuger collected the logs.
Hi Kiwijunglist.
Ill edit my post later with the added logs.
I'm using one display which is connect to my Pioneer VSX-537 receiver via HDMI which is then connected to my Nvidia 430. I have tired connecting directly from the Videocard to the Display but I had the same issues.
Logs attached
So just to confirm, you ran MP in debug mode, waited till MP had the bug where it suddenly goes into a "window" (like the screenshot at start of thread), then exited MP + uploaded your log files?
I have an nVidia GT 430 direct attached with HDMI to my Pioneer Plasma LX-608.
So just to confirm, you ran MP in debug mode, waited till MP had the bug where it suddenly goes into a "window" (like the screenshot at start of thread), then exited MP + uploaded your log files?
That's correct. I didn't even had to start a video this time. Just before I started a video the whole MP GUI switches to a window. After that I closed MP and the debuger collected the logs.