Annoying display bug! Please help me, I'm about to give up :) (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 2, 2006
Hi Kiwijunglist.

Ill edit my post later with the added logs.

I'm using one display which is connect to my Pioneer VSX-537 receiver via HDMI which is then connected to my Nvidia 430. I have tired connecting directly from the Videocard to the Display but I had the same issues.

Logs attached

So just to confirm, you ran MP in debug mode, waited till MP had the bug where it suddenly goes into a "window" (like the screenshot at start of thread), then exited MP + uploaded your log files?

I have an nVidia GT 430 direct attached with HDMI to my Pioneer Plasma LX-608.

So just to confirm, you ran MP in debug mode, waited till MP had the bug where it suddenly goes into a "window" (like the screenshot at start of thread), then exited MP + uploaded your log files?

That's correct. I didn't even had to start a video this time. Just before I started a video the whole MP GUI switches to a window. After that I closed MP and the debuger collected the logs.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    That's correct. I didn't even had to start a video this time. Just before I started a video the whole MP GUI switches to a window. After that I closed MP and the debuger collected the logs.

    What size is the window ? - MP seems pretty convinced that the screen res is 1536 x 864 (from the beginning of the log, when MP is starting up) :

    [2013-10-11 19:34:11,786] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Display: \\.\DISPLAY1 - IsPrimary: True - BitsPerPixel: 32 - Bounds: 1536x864 @ 0,0 - WorkingArea: 1536x826 @ 0,0
    [2013-10-11 19:34:11,828] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 - Driver: nvd3dum.dll ( - DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1

    ....and then later it looses focus and regains it again (but the display size is the same) :

    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,029] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,043] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnLostFocus()
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,044] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO Start (MaxSize: 1536x864 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 2x2 - MaxTrackSize: 1548x876)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,047] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO End (MaxSize: 1536x864 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 1536x864 - MaxTrackSize: 1536x864)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,051] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_SIZE (SIZE_MINIMIZED: 0x0)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,054] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE (WA_INACTIVE)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,055] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Deactivation request received
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,058] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO Start (MaxSize: 1536x864 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 2x2 - MaxTrackSize: 1548x876)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,059] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO End (MaxSize: 1536x864 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 1536x864 - MaxTrackSize: 1536x864)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,063] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE (WA_ACTIVE)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,063] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Activation request received
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,070] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnGotFocus()
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,072] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_SIZE (SIZE_RESTORED: 1536x864)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,072] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE (WA_ACTIVE)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,072] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Activation request received
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,072] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_SIZE (SIZE_RESTORED: 1536x864)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,074] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,074] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: The display is on
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,075] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE)
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,075] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: User is providing input to the session
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,083] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - GUIMusicPlaylist: Default Playlist loaded
    [2013-10-11 19:34:18,086] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint()


    Portal Member
    November 9, 2006
    Home Country
    Hi Kiwijunglist.

    Ill edit my post later with the added logs.

    I'm using one display which is connect to my Pioneer VSX-537 receiver via HDMI which is then connected to my Nvidia 430. I have tired connecting directly from the Videocard to the Display but I had the same issues.

    Logs attached

    So just to confirm, you ran MP in debug mode, waited till MP had the bug where it suddenly goes into a "window" (like the screenshot at start of thread), then exited MP + uploaded your log files?

    Hi Kiwijunglist

    That is correct, as soon as the display changed to like of the start of the threads screenshot, I exited out of MediaPortal and the debugging tool zipped up the logs for us.


    I should add that while in debug mode, I had to play 2 or 3 media files until the issue came up, like I said it's vert intermittent. I've noticed that watching TV I don't have the issue when using the StreamedMP skin. Ill try the default skin if you like.

    Last edited:


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    If you are in debug mode, report bug to team mediaportal then it disables all plugins + 3rd party skins. This gives the team better logs, because there is less stuff in the logs, and it excludes a 3rd party plugin/skin as the cause of the problem. Just an FYI as I think this problem is not caused by plugins/skins.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    I've just updated a laptop (Intel GPU) to Win 8.1, and so far MP 1.5 is working fine so I'm wondering if this an nVidia driver problem....


    Portal Member
    November 9, 2006
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    Just thought ill post something that I've noticed. I primarily use the SteamedMP skin with my setup. It seems to react differently then if I was using titan. With SteamedMP, I only get the window effect if I watch a media file but like I said, it's at random. The TV function works fine and doesn't seem to suffer the problem. When I use Titan, the issue just seems to happen at random, even on the main menu and opening a submenu can trigger it off without even opening any media file.

    I hope with this info it can narrow it down abit.



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  • October 28, 2008
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    Everyone - in case it makes a difference, how do you launch MP - from the desktop or from a tile on the start page ?

    Aurora13 - can you post some logs which include playing video/TV, so there is an evr.log included please ?


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