Antec Fusion v2 IR - How to use w/MediaPortal (1 Viewer)


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November 11, 2007
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Sweden Sweden
I fixed all my problems by using the new mp drivers for Soundgraph in this thread
Thanks Cybrmage....

Your welcome... 8-}

Yes... It is not in SVN yet... but I'm working on changing that...


The latest SoundGraph v7beta software.... Despite what SoundGraph says, it IS restricted... It will work with the Antec Fusion Black hardware (LCD) but it will NOT work with the original Antec Fusion Hardware (VFD without IR)... I don't know if it will work with the Antec Fusion V2 hardware (VFD with IR)...

Would someone with the Antec Fusion V2 please test it and see if it works.... thanks.

I have an Antec Fusion Black V2 with LCD. If I understod it correct all I need to do to get the MCE remote to work with the IR is simply to install the latest iMON software (the beta) and then remap all buttons and it should work, but it don't :(


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  • September 30, 2007
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    Well I have to say that the WORST piece of computer hardware I have ever purchased is the Antec Fusion Black with the Soundgraph iMon LCD. The software & support is total crap. If anyone is thinking of purchasing it beware - it is junk.
    I had it working fine, wiped HD and reinstalled and nothing happening. Think I'll toss the case and get someting different.
    Antec = crap. Soundgraph = crap.
    MediaPortal is great, so I will persist.


    New Member
    August 13, 2007
    I have to say I'm quite pleased with the case....except for the LCD / IR.
    It looks great, and is cool and quiet.
    But the LCD / IR is, as RCW says, complete and utter CRAP!

    I'm thinking of just unplugging the LCD / IR , buy a MCE receiver, and be done with it.
    I'm not that dependant of the display anyways...




    Portal Member
    October 19, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    Hello All Antec User,

    I finally get everything working after several weeks of tests and I will try to resume my config to help all of you who are lost with this case.

    First of all, I have to say that near everything I did is possible due to cybrmage and rsenden work.

    I used the fhe following thread to achieve my goal :

    About soundgraph IR receiver, be aware that the driver use a keymap system and that it is not a standard MCE remote receiver.

    1) First of all, use the last stable version of MP (0.2.3RC3 at least).
    2) Activate the External Display plugin with the Soundgraph iMon integrated USB VFD/LCD driver and in advance config screen choose LCD. Then choose options you want.
    3) Install the generic keyboard remote input plugin (file attached) (follow instruction in the readme).
    4) Delete the file keymap.xml in *root*\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\custom
    5) Activate this plugin in MP config screen and configure key map you want to use.
    6) Remove the Antec VFD software (or deactivate auto start with windows) and install the iMon Manager from soundgraph (version 6 with cybrmag patch you can find attached or version 7 beta).
    7) In iMon manager choose MCE remote in settings tab and configure key map like the one you configured in input plugin under program command (add a new program called MP and import the mp.imo attached file). Beware, the following remote keys must be configured under windows command : the 4 arrows, back space button and Enter button. Under iMon Utilities/Front view, do not forget to choose "never".

    I did this explanation from my memory. So I probably forget something. Do not hesitate to ask if something is unclear.



    Portal Member
    November 13, 2007
    I have installed the last MP version 0.2.3, I have seen that the cybrmage's version of soundgraph has been included. But I have the same bug than before with my Antec fusion black 430, the display doesn't turn on in MP.

    So I will return to the version I had before.


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    I have installed the last MP version 0.2.3, I have seen that the cybrmage's version of soundgraph has been included. But I have the same bug than before with my Antec fusion black 430, the display doesn't turn on in MP.

    So I will return to the version I had before.

    The release version of v0.2.3 does not contain the latest driver (it has the driver from October)... The latest driver did not make it into the release... You'll have to use the versions from the driver thread.


    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007
    Hi guys.

    Ive been scouring the net for information, and its been 3 weeks of trying stuff on my HTPC. Ive narrowed almost everything down to only my remote is left.

    Info: I have VISTA ultimate. Antec case 430 black, Logitech Harmony 895, Haupauge pvr500

    Installed Mediaportal. Configured my harmony to be an "MCE-remote" (it works flawfully in MCE!!).

    But in mediaportal, all the buttons are gone except "up/down/left/right arrow + ok". I cant change any channels.
    Ive tried MPtray, but nothing really happens.
    All information i can read is you guys having problems with the LCD. I have no problem, it shows everything.
    How do i "remap"(?) my remote? Shouldnt mediaportal just use the harmony without changing anything?

    Thanks in advance.


    New Member
    December 14, 2007
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    Scotland Scotland
    Hi Nicklas.

    I had exactly the same problem, here's what I did.

    Downloaded and installed the LCD drivers and Imon Controller from here:

    In Imon Manager (under Program Command) I added Media Portal to the programs section and added the missing remote functions to that program.

    All of my remote functions now operate in MP, although the LCD still displays useless system information, one thing at a time I suppose.

    The problem seemed to be that the basic driver only recognized a limited number of commands, using the Imon manager allows you to add the missing commands.

    Hope this helps.

    Cheers - Rab.


    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007
    Thanks Rab.

    Ive tried everything in this thread now. However, Im using a international VISTA. So i tried to create a "Program files" but it says "you have a program folder - o you want to merge" or something like that. But I have a PROGRAM, not PROGRAM FILES. I think VISTA use a redirection of its own (since im using a language pack over an english version). Anyways, I tried everything, but no luck. I thought I had it narrowed down when my buttons worked in LIVE TV small screen mode, but when i picked big screen, the buttons got scrambled again. Wierd! So when i press channel up, it goes to either channel 1 or channel 2. Switching only between them.
    No pause, no rewind..

    Ive tried ot search for all keyboard button commands that media portal use, but no luck there either.
    This is not healthy for me as my girlfriend nags me all the time...

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