Antec Fusion v2 IR - How to use w/MediaPortal (2 Viewers)


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  • February 9, 2005

    I have just got an Antec Fusion V2 Black with LCD and remote IR. I have setup using the guide by Dust_AG just above but I'm a bit puzzled. I can't see how you can have the Imon software running and get the LCD to work in Mediaportal, I need the Imon running for the Remote control but then the LCD does not work because the Imon software is already using it ??? Have I missed something

    I am using the v7 beta drivers from Soundgraph and running Mediaportal Final

    Any help much appreciated THX


    Portal Member
    October 19, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    Hello simon169,

    You probably missed my last sentence : In iMon manager, "Under iMon Utilities/Front view, do not forget to choose 'never'."
    If you choose this option the iMon manager will only drive the IR but not the LCD (this one in driven by the driver from cybrmage).



    MP Donator
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  • February 9, 2005
    I have set it to 'never' but when MP starts the LCD does not come on it just stays displaying the time.



    PS. Is cybermages driver built into MP or do I need to get it and if so from where ??

    pps. The LCD works if Imon is switched off before going into MP


    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007
    Well, since nothing worked for me, I bought an USB IR-eye plug.
    Dismantled the case (oh boy it was really easy!) and put some black tape over the built in eye. Put everything together and enabled the display plugin within mediaportal. Everything works great now with my harmony 895 since its basicly an MCE remote emulated. Even red/green etc buttons works and Im happy :)
    Only thing now is standby modes (S3) that doesnt work 100% all the time. But will probably be fixed with teh next VISTA SP1 release.


    MP Donator
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  • February 9, 2005
    I have broken my display !!! when it came the case had several wires for motherboard connection I.E power switch, hdd led power led etc. There were two single connection wires wrapped together labelled pwr and grnd I took this to be the power led because I already had one labelled power switch. However I found later from antec's website this was infact a power switch connection coming from the LCD/remote panel that you could connect inline from the other power switch to allow you to power on the box with the remote.

    Since I connected it to and led connection I figured I have been putting power into the display through the wrong route and thus broken it. It now randomly appears and disappears in device manager and intermitantly works but also gets corrupted :(.

    I am returning the case under warranty I don't see how they will figure what ive done so hopefully I will get a new one and learn from my mistake. In my defence the manual that came with it did not mention what this lead was for I only found out from the antec website support section.


    Portal Member
    March 1, 2008
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    I would just like to say thanks I have been playing with Media Portal Now for about a month and I have an Antec Fusion silver V2 case and this worked a treat with my vista MCE remote.

    Is there any way of deleting a keybourd command ie Esc as I would like to have that as backspace on the remote?

    Other than that thanks


    Portal Member
    June 9, 2008
    I've got it all to work. (With a little help from Cygermage's post

    Both the IR with the MCE-remote and the display in MediaPortal.
    Thanks anyway Spragleknas.

    1. Uninstall Antec's VFD program and drivers.
    2. Download Soundgraph iMon 6.01.0122 from here
    3. Install the program without the iMEDIAN program (or with if you like it) and let it update to the last version.
    4. Close the program in systray if it starts
    5. Extract my attached file and run iMONPatch.exe (this will allow you to run the iMON software on a Antec case.
    6. Reboot
    7. Start iMON Manager
    8. Go to iMON Utilities and select FrontView "run FrontView When iMON Starts" = Never
    9. Go to Settings and select MCE Remote (and press Apply)
    10. From now on you can go to the Program Command (in settings) and map MediaPortals keyboard shortcuts or extract the supplied MCE to your Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\SOUNDGRAPH\iMON\Setup\ (MCE remote). (Note: Not all buttons are mapped, but you get the picture)
    11. To enable the VFD in MediaPortal start MediaPortal Setup.
    12. Go to the plugins Right Click on the External Display module and select Disable (this will actually enable it).
    13. Right click again and select Configuration.
    14. Select the SoundGraph iMon USB Driver V1.0, Port = USB. Leave the rest as it is.
    15. Powerdown your computer and disconnect the power for a minute. (to clear the clock in the display)
    16. Start up and all will work :) (Hopefully)

    I bought a Silver Antec 430 (with VFD and knob), plus a MS MCE remote.

    Following these commands, I managed to get things working - and also managed to add some missing controls, such as making the back button trigger ESC and go back through the menus, plus making info show the context menu.

    I didn't need the patch.

    I didn't need to enable/disable the external display.

    Only downside is, the remote seems to be a little 'weak'. Sometimes key presses dont do much :)


    New Member
    April 16, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I have just got an Antec Fusion V2 Black with LCD and remote IR. I have setup using the guide by Dust_AG just above but I'm a bit puzzled. I can't see how you can have the Imon software running and get the LCD to work in Mediaportal, I need the Imon running for the Remote control but then the LCD does not work because the Imon software is already using it ??? Have I missed something

    I am using the v7 beta drivers from Soundgraph and running Mediaportal Final

    I've been playing around with my Antec Fusion V2 (Black, LCD), and after reading through all the thread and following Dust_AG's guide, I've ran into the same problem as this.
    If I have Imon running, then the LCD screen just shows a clock, but the remote works fine.
    If I don't have Imon running, then the LCD screen is handled by MediaPortal fine, but there's nothing to handle the remote...
    I've got Frontview set to never start up automatically, so I'm not really sure what's going on.

    Any suggestions out there in Mediaportal land?
    Thanks Guys!


    Portal Member
    June 9, 2008
    I ended up not caring about the display - it's too far away to read anyhow :mad: good luck though, and i will check back for a solution as well :)


    Portal Member
    June 15, 2008
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    I followed dust_ag's instructions for my Antec 430 black with LCD. I however could not figure out what the Media Portal plug in did. I named commands and entered the corresponding keyboard shortcut but I'm not sure what that effected. I only entered about 3-4 commands and the harmony 880 remote works flawlessly. My only gripe is that the LCD on the front is turned on but blank, and that the response of the computer/media portal is sluggish at best.

    MP 1.0 RC1
    Vista 32bit
    Harmony 880 Remote
    Antec fusion 430 black

    Any advice on the LCD or response of the computer would be amazing!

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