have you enabled "use default refreshrate" with "cinema_hz", "ntsc_hz" or "pal_hz"?
Thank you for the reply. I should have looked around this thread before posting as it was on the first page. Lazy of me. I am not 100% sure as of right now that the settings are sticking but I will play around some more. The reason why I am posting before I am sure it worked is because on one of my systems I am getting the blue screen just like sphinx. After I watch something or stop something, I get the blue screen. Note though that this is on my test setup that has an old ati x1600 pro within windows 7, with generic windows drivers. I guess they stopped supporting the card. Also note that I watched an entire movie on my htpc which has windows 7, ati 4550 and real ati drivers and it did not crash.
Anyways, this is a possible problem to the situation as my card is old and has the generic drivers. I will look into it further when I am home from work, but if you find anything please share sphinx.