@sweborn Please add the language files for avallonis (skin translations) in your next mpe1. http://code.google.com/p/avallonis/source/browse/#
You demand quite a lot from a beginner like me.
I took a look on it, but couldn't find the relevant xml.
Besides, I'm using the blue background. So no show-stooper for me.
If anyone wants some Argus TV files, I will upload them to the other thread, once I get home tonight. If you want to attempt it yourself, it is basically a mass rename of 4TR_* files to ARGUS_* and then editing the contests of a few files where they import a 4TR_ file to say ARGUS_ instead.
Orange like in the blue theme? I don't know.
Maybe someone should make a suggestion who are using white theme.
I'm back, because after deinstallation of version and clean installation of the cornerstone bug is back again.
Is it because i don't have installed MovingPictures as SpudR speculated. But then why it work with both Version installed?
+1The top search results in SubtitleDownloader is always invisible if someone would like to fix that?
EDIT: After your fresh install do you have a blank screen when entering the TV Guide?