Avallonis (a skin based on Avalon) (2 Viewers)


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Where to download ?

    Download link on the first post of this thread, the google repository..

    PS this is the post I've been waiting for can't wait to try out the white :) Thanks!

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Just to say I love this skin, and the light theme is absolutely gorgeous on a quick test, lets wait and see after a few weeks ;)

    Would be nice to have worlweather fully supported, yep always someone moans, might as well be me lol, great work cul8er :D


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  • June 11, 2007
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    First impressions of the white theme is I like the lighter colour. I know you said more tweaks are needed so I'll probably say what you already know but I'll give my views anyway :)

    - The fanart is visable below fanart window. I like as much art as possible but it looks odd being there whilst the window has clear boundries that its going beyond. Not this in moving pictures and tv series.

    22-19-21.png (notice fanart in lower left of screen)

    - Also when selecting items in list view (same plugins) it feels strange that the font colour doesnt change for highlighted items which are watched. It goes from dark to white for none watched but the same blue for watched.. maybe a lighter blue whilst highted would look nicer rather than the same blue when highlighted and not highlighted.

    23-27-51.png(font colours.. actually looks green to me?? Sure this should be blue too, think it needs an alt colour change to indicate selection still though)

    - When I jump into submenus, noticed initially in movingpictures for instance default menu list view and say go into 'Date Added' sometimes other menu items other than the one selected is white font also. Highlighting that item and selecting away from it sends it back to the intended dark font font. I think its remembering the item I had selected prior to doing a 'previous screen' and when I go back into that menu item both the last highlighted option and the current highlighted item are both white.

    22-21-28.png (notice two items in white font)

    - I'm not sure what it is with the 8 row TV guide (havent tried the other variations) but I don't like it. It feels too all over washed white. Maybe different coloured channel labels or something to break it up. Also I'd like to see the blue line more clearly shown between the current time arrows over the program listing. Also I think it would look better with selected programs font going white rather than staying grey/black.

    - Is it just me but is PictureInPicture in tv guide smaller than it was before? It looks like it should be larger.? or positioned higher so its vartically central?!

    - This I notice in OnlineVideos. When moving through menus, when the open the selected items font is not white until you start moving up and down through the menus, it does display ok in the root menu but it does take a second to go from grey to white as the screen loads..

    23-28-39.png (notice selected item text font colour - doesn't change to white)

    - Bringing up mini guide the initial selected items font is again not white, starts working again when moving up and down the items.

    00-23-38.png(on open font is the dark none selected item colour) 00-23-50.png(once moving through menu correct white colour is displayed)

    -Miniguide channel catagory font (lower right corner) isnt readable with irs current font colour ontop of the blue bar.

    23-30-20.png (very difficult to see the lower right channel group text)

    - The blue bar at the bottom of the miniguide looks odd.. its not consistant with the skin *but* I do like it, maybe have it across the whole of skin?! Reminds me of Titan.

    - Weather looks odd, all the current / day windows are way to dark..

    23-56-23.png(May look better lighter back colour?)

    - LiveTV screen (with menus) looks loads better in my opinion with the list on the right but the live TV playing is not positioned centrally. It doesnt align to the top menu item / top of window and has a white bar along the bottom..

    23-30-58.png (maybe because of maintaining aspect ratio or too long a menu list but it looks disjointed the way it is)

    - LiveTV screen whilst scrolling through menus selected items font doesnt change to white.

    23-30-58.png (no font colour change for selected item)

    - Also seems odd that selected item background highlight is blue in LiveTV screen but grey in all other plugins.

    23-30-58.png(blue highlight) 23-56-56.png(grey highlight)

    - Stars rating for TV series over cover art whilst scrolling its hard to see how many it is because the shades of grey are so close. Maybe make them white and leave the grey for empty stars?

    23-57-30.png(consider making active stars white or lighter shade of grey to make it clearer to see)

    - Same stars issue in moving pictures.

    - Stars rating in tvseries is 5 star 1-10 rating scale, but 10 stars in movingpictures. Consider making them both the same? I like 10 btw over 5 :)

    23-57-30.png(10 stars) 23-57-57.png(only 5 stars)

    - Moving pictures movie detail view (slide in window with movie sypnosis) the reflection below the screenshot / backdrop in upper right over laps the text making it hard to read sometimes. I'd make the screenshot bigger to align top of image with top of movie title text and try without the reflection or just drop the reflection maybe? Also same again with the stars I'd rather see white on grey here rather than dark grey on light grey.

    - The moving pictures hidden menu when scrolling through items 'bounces', moving through menus in other areas of the skin doesnt have this animation effect. Also selected item background is again blue, consider choosing one back colour and apply in all menus.

    - Item selected for recording in tvguide and highlighted has a very dark red bar. I think it contradicts the lightness of the skin and should be far lighter. Also the text colour of a recording item is far to dark to read over this dark red.. When not selected both recording and reminder set red and green colours arent to bad but when selected the gradiant is so ugly :-/ and there are wierd blue blocks of colour at the ends.

    00-01-04.png(blue area to left and horrible gradient with barely readable text) 00-00-51.png(colour isn't too bad but maybe lighter, why grey area to left though?)

    Thats it for now :) GREAT work though, love where your taking this. I was against the whiter style but I actually prefer it now its on my TV :)


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  • June 11, 2007
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    - Recorded TV window is too large and overlaps the PictureInPicture at the bottom.

    00-24-07.png(whole window seems too large, bigger than rest of the plugin screens anyway)

    - Recorded TV screen, item which is currently recording.. the red recording icon is not centered correctly, its justified top left.. presume it should be inline with the items text and channel icon.

    00-24-07.png(I'm anal and that recording icon is not centralised :p )


    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Recording selection colour needs to be lightened, would be good somewhere around the shade of the BBC1 logo, just a thought, see pictures for existing, really not good viewing.



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  • June 11, 2007
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    Recording selection colour needs to be lightened, would be good somewhere around the shade of the BBC1 logo, just a thought, see pictures for existing, really not good viewing.

    View attachment 100071View attachment 100072

    Yeah thats what I was trying to describe, I also don't like how there is a blue block to the left of the recordings when its actually a continuation of the same program, its like the far left and right images for the guide, with the black corner pieces are the same image when they should be different for a recording which is selected and a non-recording program which is selected. Incidently, how do you take screen shots like that, I could add some to my posts :)


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  • June 21, 2010
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    Yeah thats what I was trying to describe, I also don't like how there is a blue block to the left of the recordings when its actually a continuation of the same program, its like the far left and right images for the guide, with the black corner pieces are the same image when they should be different for a recording which is selected and a non-recording program which is selected. Incidently, how do you take screen shots like that, I could add some to my posts :)



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  • June 21, 2010
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    I think they will shrink once uploaded

    You can choose once the file is uploaded if thumb or full image

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