But I would prefer a less dominant fanart version (e. g. in music / movies). Something like white background which is only let's say 10% transparent to see some fanart very light in the background. Can somebody please guide me in the right direction how to change this for myself? Would be great, thank you very much.
At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, but everything you touch seems to turn to gold... or white in this case. Very nice job.
So you got rid of the reason why I didn't like Avalon in the first place, the center menu. Why not take it one step further and let the poster slide in from the left so the center and focus point of the fanart is never covered. You could also tweak the "hide while not scrolling option" to "hide always".
Overall looking very professional in white, commercial even, in a good way.
For those of you with the Avallonis Editor exception, you can still save your settings by clicking "Continue" in the error window, browse to the Cache folder (in Windows 7 it's "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache" (ProgramData might be hidden)) and create a folder as mentioned above named "Avallonis", then click save again within the Editor which should work now. You won't have to do the changes all over again this way.
As far as I know, the continue just works, its only trying to access the cached folder contents to delete them, so if they are not there job done, just should not throw a exception, just ignore.
Thanks for all feedback on the new version. I have done some quick fixes and a new patch is now available (see link below). This patch requires version of the skin so please install that before trying to find/apply this patch.
Avallonis Version
Reworked TVGuide in white theme
Fixed Editor crash from
Fixed error in highlighted color on listsitems
A few minor improvements to the white theme (colors and images)
Will continue to look at all your feedback and try to include your requests in versions to come.