Avallonis (a skin based on Avalon) (2 Viewers)


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  • May 14, 2008
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    Germany Germany

    Thanks for all feedback on the new version. I have done some quick fixes and a new patch is now available (see link below). This patch requires version of the skin so please install that before trying to find/apply this patch.

    Avallonis Version
    • Reworked TVGuide in white theme
    • Fixed Editor crash from
    • Fixed error in highlighted color on listsitems
    • A few minor improvements to the white theme (colors and images)
    Will continue to look at all your feedback and try to include your requests in versions to come.

    Link to patch.

    best regards

    Is this bug in Avalonis too?

    Sadly Avalonis is not on github so merging, pushing and stuff like that is a bit more complicated.


    MP Donator
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  • June 11, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Thanks for all feedback on the new version. I have done some quick fixes and a new patch is now available (see link below). This patch requires version of the skin so please install that before trying to find/apply this patch.

    Avallonis Version
    • Reworked TVGuide in white theme
    • Fixed Editor crash from
    • Fixed error in highlighted color on listsitems
    • A few minor improvements to the white theme (colors and images)
    Will continue to look at all your feedback and try to include your requests in versions to come.

    Link to patch.

    If you install the complete version of the skin there is no need for the patch ;)

    best regards

    Looking forward to trying the new version :)

    Do you have a list of bugs / changes you are working on so I don't duplicate anything you have pending which may of not made it into this update? I will try it tonight, see how it runs and report. Thanks!


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  • June 11, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi, thanks for the update.

    I don't want to upset you! however.. I think the colour scheme seems to have taken a step backwards in this update. I prefered it in the previous version..

    TV Series Plugin:
    - When in 'List View' and browsing 'All Shows' the watched icon is present even for shows with episodes unwatched.

    - When in 'List View' and browsing 'All Shows' the unwatched episode count when unwatched episodes are present changes to a strange orange colour?

    - I find it difficult to read the text for unhighlighted items in 'List View', currently white. In some places against the background its very hard to see. I prefered it when it was grey and changed to white on selection.

    - The watched item font colour, currently blue, is practically unreadable in almost all positions. In some positions I can not read the text at all.

    - The font colour in the hidden menu, currently blue, is again practically unreadable

    - The Show details popup (press right on a highlighted show in list view - the watched and unwatched episode count font colour is blue. It looks odd as all the other text is white and grey.

    Moving Pictures Plugin:
    Pretty much the same as TV Series.. AGainst the grey gradient background the darker text colour was far more easy to read. I find the white very difficult in places and the blue font colour for watched items is pretty much impossible to read. Again I liked the grey font which changed to white on selection as the white was easy to read with the darker grey highlight.

    TV Guide:
    - The blue font used on upcoming shows in the future is practially unreadable. When one of these upcoming shows is highlighted, its impossible to read the text at all as the highlight colour is also blue.

    - In the main TV menu screen, the blue font is again unreadable on the menu.

    Maybe its my screen but on my 37" TV from about 10 feet away, the font colours are just making the text unreadable. I'm curious to see what others think to see if its just me.

    I do see where you are coming from though with the extra blue. It does freshen up the plain white / grey of the skin and adds some colour interest. I just don't think it should be used for font colouring. Maybe have the menu position highlight colour blue to get the colour in there and revert back to the grey text changing to white on selection.
    At the very least the blue text has to go as far as I see as its just not readable.

    Still using the skin though and appreciate all the work going into it. These points listed above are constructive, not negative :)


    Design Group
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  • August 25, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Yes, I was surprised by the new text colour use, in fact I thought that the patch had failed to update the skin correctly. Please at least make the old colours an option.



    Portal Pro
    November 6, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Skins, graphics, colors are always very subjective. I personally like most of the changes done with the latest update.
    I agree though that some text is quite hard to read (turquoise on gray).
    The blue background on the weather screens still seems a bit out of context, if time permits I will look myself on how to change it...

    Thanks for all the effort that went into this (and other) skins, it makes MP so much better.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 31, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden

    Haven't had time to verify the color change you describe but what you describe was not intended. I have not changed any textcolors on purpose. Must have copied the wrong files when creating the installers. Will Open My laptop and see what I can find. Thanks for reporting.

    Best regards


    MP Donator
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  • November 7, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    When making changes within MediaPortal SkinSettings (not external Configuration) Avallonis seems to revert to Blue Theme font colors which obviously dont work well with the White one. So please make sure you run the Avallonis Editor, choose your theme and save again before reporting.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 31, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden

    I'm unable to reproduce the colors you are describing.

    Can you please;
    1. Add some screenshots
    2. Describe how you upgraded. With the patch or the full installer.



    Retired Team Member
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  • August 31, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden

    I think I know what has happened.

    1. You had the White theme and was using v1.0.4.0
    2. You applied the patch
    3. You have not run the editor and selected the white theme again....

    The problem is that in the patch the blue files was default so they have replace your white color scheme. Please run the editor again and choose white color and all should be ok. I will see if I can make the patch a little more intelligent next time so it reads what theme you are using.



    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    When making changes within MediaPortal SkinSettings (not external Configuration) Avallonis seems to revert to Blue Theme font colors which obviously dont work well with the White one. So please make sure you run the Avallonis Editor, choose your theme and save again before reporting.

    This worked for me, sorry for not reporting it here.

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