Avallonis (a skin based on Avalon) (2 Viewers)


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  • April 24, 2009
    I have noticed a couple of other issues:
    - On the 4TR Home Screen when you move the cursor over to the TV preview it doesn't highlight the window.
    - The Menu in the Recorded TV window has the option Clean Up & TV Guide on the same location, so they overlap each other
    - I have noticed that the preview window of what is currently playing on TV gets in the way of text and menus on quite a few of the screens

    I also have a question around the times listed at the top of the TV Guide. I find the times very confusing and to me they don't line up to anything. The start of a show on the guide which starts at e.g. 11pm does not line up with the text 11pm. I think that a line or something that clearly shows the start of the interval should be added. Looking at the skin files I can't see anyway to do this. Is the time at the top provide by the skin, 4TR, or MediaPortal.

    Can you also add the attached BluRayPlayerLaucher.xml file to the skin. This is what is required instead of the old arcsoftplayer.xml used to launch the latest external ArcSoft Player plugin.

    I have also attached my mods for a 15 channel mini guide and TV guide. I am not good at skinning so it is far from perfect and needs a lot of work, but it currently does the job for me. I would really love for this option to cleaned up and included in the official skin. The reason I selected 15 channels is because as sad as it sounds that is all the channels we have in my area and it is great to not have to scroll through several pages to see what is on.



    • BluRayPlayerLauncher.xml
      359 bytes
    • 15Guide Mod.zip
      34.9 KB


    MP Donator
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  • June 9, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Good Morning,
    after a few weeks of using Avallonis white ( at the moment) i found a little bug. I'm not sure if this is a Skin-Bug or an MePo Bug.
    I had Weather open and then sent my System to sleep (S3). Today i started up the box and it respawned flawlessly, WorldWeather refreshed ( this blue rotating Symbol was shown). I switched back to the Home (I use classic home not basic home) and the rotating symbol still was there. It even overlayed TV.

    I had to exit and reopen MdiaPortal to get it away.



    Retired Team Member
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  • March 3, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hello, I am having problems installing this. I did a clean install of MP 1.2.2 on my laptop and then installed avalonnis but the installer hangs about 98% of the way through and never completes. Is this a known issue, or am I doing some thing wrong? Thanks.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 31, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Good Morning,
    after a few weeks of using Avallonis white ( at the moment) i found a little bug. I'm not sure if this is a Skin-Bug or an MePo Bug.
    I had Weather open and then sent my System to sleep (S3). Today i started up the box and it respawned flawlessly, WorldWeather refreshed ( this blue rotating Symbol was shown). I switched back to the Home (I use classic home not basic home) and the rotating symbol still was there. It even overlayed TV.

    I had to exit and reopen MdiaPortal to get it away.


    Can you please test this with the default skin and see if it has the same error. I don't think this is a skinning issue and this would confirm it.

    best regards


    MP Donator
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  • November 7, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Good Morning,
    after a few weeks of using Avallonis white ( at the moment) i found a little bug. I'm not sure if this is a Skin-Bug or an MePo Bug.
    I had Weather open and then sent my System to sleep (S3). Today i started up the box and it respawned flawlessly, WorldWeather refreshed ( this blue rotating Symbol was shown). I switched back to the Home (I use classic home not basic home) and the rotating symbol still was there. It even overlayed TV.

    I had to exit and reopen MdiaPortal to get it away.


    Can you please test this with the default skin and see if it has the same error. I don't think this is a skinning issue and this would confirm it.

    best regards

    It's not a skinning issue, encountered the permanent process indicator in other skins and situations as well.


    MP Donator
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  • June 9, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I tried yesterday to reproduce this with default wide and avallonis. Unfortunately i could not provocate it to show up again.
    So i think it was a one time issue and since cruse could point this issue as a MePo general one, its ok.

    I'll post if i find any more bugs. Avallonis is just the best skin in my opinion. We (my whole family) love it!


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  • July 10, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I've just reinstalled and now it is picking up new media just fine!

    Most odd! Sorry to have bothered you!

    I thought this was sorted, but it doesn't seem quite right..

    If I add new media when MP is running, then it is shown in latest added in Moving Pictures menu - however, the actual screen on the main menu doesn't pick it up if you get what I mean? i.e. moving over to movies on the main menu, but without pressing OK to go into the menu itself doesn't show the new media..

    I can post screenshots if need be :)


    New Member
    April 4, 2012
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Hello, I am having problems installing this. I did a clean install of MP 1.2.2 on my laptop and then installed avalonnis but the installer hangs about 98% of the way through and never completes. Is this a known issue, or am I doing some thing wrong? Thanks.

    I have the same problem as well. How did you guys install this?


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  • July 10, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    In reply to my post, (and to simplify what I was trying to say!) I have noticed that on the main menu page, latest recordings does not update unless you restart MePo. Same with Latest Movies on the main menu page. The movies do show up in latest movies in the actual movies menu though.

    Is there a setting I need to change to get it to do it? I couldn't find one..

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