OK, strange - maybe some issue with a malformed XML? Some editors can just "repair" your xml without you knowing ...
Yes, sure, I got confused with the DST - Sunrise & down would make a nice addition to this screen.
And maybe a last tweak (might be required in the future): add the logo / text for the provider (currently google) and optionally refresh date/time "somewhere"
I made another little hack - I changed the TV screen to look more like all the other screens.
The TV preview is now larger and on the left just like the fanart in other plugins. The channel thumb is shown, a paused icon appears when paused and the buttons look more like the hidden menu (I used its graphics).
To install, just copy the XML into your avalon skin directory (make a backup of the original mytvhomeServer.xml) and the Media folder into the media (new Gfx). Please clear your cache and you should be set to go.
There is one little snag, though: The menu viewport should overlay the live tv image, but it doesn't when TV is on. This seems to be a bug in the skin engine - I am still investigating it.
Tell me if you like the change.
Last note: The TV channel thumbs are a little smaller in the XML than shown in the screenshots - I reduced their size afterwords.
*UPDATE* The TV will allways be above the normal GUI, this is how MP is renedered. So I can't change that (I was thinking about OSD addition, but that will be hard, since it will probably eat the input and I don't know if it runs on top of non-fullscreen UI). So it will stay this way.
I've updated my first post - I was waiting to see who would win the battle to skin the World Weather plugin Since it looks like you have thrown in the towel mbuzina I have the link pointing to Dragys version - I'll keep an eye out for a comeback from you though
Re: Online Videos - I don't use this plugin so I won't be looking at it but it sounds like the "no loading graphic" would be easy to sort, probably just a "visible" condition needs to be changed... mbuzina / Dragy where are you guys at on this?
... NcoH is going to have a lot to look through when he returns from Real Life...
I've updated the WorldWeather files once again.
- added providerimage
- added image for world, webcam and precipation
- fixed the pollencount image not being displayed
- added updatetime to right bottom
- changed geoclock view with additional info
- added overlay to prevent images from having their corners out of the "box" (see geoclock screenshot)
- changed on basichome, fadelable to textbox for current condition
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Database changed
MariaDB [mptvdb]> SELECT * FROM Server;
| idServer | isMaster | hostName | rtspPort |
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Hello everyone,
I'm going to need help from the community to resolve a TV server crash issue.
I encountered a problem with my...
To ensure that everyone had access, that repository was duplicated in the team repository:
To ensure that everyone had access, that repository was duplicated in the team repository...
Could some dev pls have a look into MyLyrics plugin?
Since a long time it does no longer find lyrics (at least here)
THX in advance ;)