AverTV DVB-T 771 (6 Viewers)


Portal Member
January 31, 2005
got it this morning thanks DMAN:)

Im going to try suse 9.2 as it supports the771 and mythtv ........... until i can afford another card:)


Re: Aver with DVICO

RaStr said:
So, here is the conclusion, I have compared the data from Aver driver and modded DVICO: the main reason, why it still cannot tune and find anything seems to be in different PCB setup of DVICO's card, i.e. some interfacing of PLL chip used is different. Actually the config word for a PLL has to be modified in DVICO's driver too, one change in a first byte of this word is probbably a constant, which can be probbably tracked in the code, but the second part of this word could be a variable (the exact value depends on the frequency band of a channel selected) a could be calculated somewhere in the code. This one will be extremely hard to find and modify in the binary code ! So I give-up, because without a source code of a driver it is pretty hard to modify the driver for actuall hw setup and Aver is using for A771 such a crap hw, which noone else uses, so modifying some other driver is impossible too!


I've noted that the values for the FusionHDTV and the A771 PLLs might be available in the Linux DVB-T source code, according to this posting:

more comments here:

Hopefully this is of some use and might re-kindle your interest in getting BDA working for the A771?

Best of luck, unfortunately my coding experience isn't of much use in this instance.




Some searching of the Linux DVB-T forums/wiki has revealed some potentially useful info - the Avermedia A771 and the Technisat Airstar 2 share a lot of common elements.

Since there is a SDK available for the Technisat Airstar 2, then possibly those drivers can have support for the BT878 added so we can get the A771 supported under Media Portal (it's a big ask, but it might happen):

Avermedia DVB-T 771
(mt352/samsung tdtc9251dh0(??))

features: fullts, AVin
card driver: dvb-bt8xx
interface: PCI
PCI device id: 109e:036e
PCI subsystem id: 1461:0771
Bridge: Brooktree bt878
frontend 1:
tin box: samsung tdtc9251dh0
frontend driver: mt352
demodulator location: tin box
demodulator: mt352 @0x0f
PLL: ?? @0x61

Technisat Airstar2
(mt352/Samsung tdtc9251dh0(??))

features: fullts
card driver: skystar2
interface: PCI
PCI device id: 13d0:2103 (rev 02)
PCI subsystem id: 13d0:2103
frontend 1:
tin box: samsung tdtc9251dh0
frontend driver: mt352
demodulator location: tin box
demodulator: ST MT352 @0x0f
PLL: ?? @0x61
Notes: Based on B2C2 FlexCop Chipset. The PCI address of this is identical to the skystar2!!! Have to probe frontend to identify.

some info on the B2C2 FlexCop chipset as used on the Technicsat Airstar2 can be found here:

and here:

Technisat website::
www.technisat.com or www.technisat.de

SDK can be found at:



or if anyone has the VisionPlus BDA drivers by Sprectrum, or the source to the official Twinhan BDA drivers then interfacing the BT878A on the Avermedia to the Samsung/Zarlink should be reasonably straight forward (in theory).


AVER T771 & DVICO drivers - probbably real final results

Hi all, I have finally patched the DVICO's drivers to fully match the programming of mt352 done by original drivers from Aver. While driver from DVICO seems to be pretty straight-forward and it's behavior reflects the suggested mt352 datasheets's steps, the work done by an original driver from Aver is a big mess with a lot of redundant I2C commands and operations, so analyzing it is a bit complicated. I have made my patched zulutune to send all most important config values to mt352, but it was unable to lock to a channel either. There are some commands missing compared to a steps performed by an Aver driver and originally I thought there are not critical. While my sniffing hardware currently doesn't support sending I2C commands from the monitoring application I can't check my sequence step by step and I am not sure where is the problem, one possible reason could be some kind of missetup of general purpose pins of BT878A PCI chip on the card (there could be something like enable pin for a tin box, etc.), but I don't expect much this would be the case, another option is that the tuner is much slower then the tuner on DVICO's card, so the driver check it's status before it actually locks on the channel, I can't test this before I will get my sniffer fully operational, so I could send the read-status command manually and the last possibility is that some more config data must be sent to a mt352 before it can lock on the channel, I can check this with my saved Aver's driver session, but it would be extremely difficult to patch the DVICO driver further, so without the source code is almost impossible to make necessary changes in it anyhow. So as I have already stated, until we will get the driver sources, we can't do much about it. Maybe we can ask for a current Aver's driver sources, as this could be very helpful to me too !


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    Already asked for source from AverMedia too...

    Dear Sir,

    Thanks for supporting AverMedia product.
    We are sorry that our confidentiality could not outflow.
    Hope you be understanding.



    hey RaStr, DMAN,

    First off I'm really impressed with the work you guys are putting in, though I feel RaStr won't be able to progress much further as the tuners on the Fusion and the Avermedia cards are totally different (Thomson vs. Samsung). Unless you're correctly initialising the tuner etc. by programming the MT352 you won't get a thing. There is publically available source for the Samsung tuner as part of the Technisat Airstar2 SDK on their web site, which might be of use if you're actively programming the MT352 (useful to find out which settings/controls need to be initialised etc.) and hacking that into the DVico driver (ie: change the 'initialise Thomson tuner' to 'initialise Samsung tuner', if they have different ways of being initialised)..

    I'm the gizmomelb running the public Avermedia beta on the Aussie DBA forums (www.dba.org.au) and I'm in direct contact with some of the Avermedia higher management and the lead programmers for the A771/A800/A16A hardware. I *almost* got the source code for the A771 hardware from them after negotiating for another programmer, but the NDA for the BT878A hardware from Conexant forbid any more reverse engineering, so the programmer decided to continue working on his software the way he had been previously (disassembling the Aver drivers and filters and finding/fixing the errors in the A771 driver himself). Avermedia cannot release source code for the A771 hardware as Conexant will not release public source code for the BT878A PCI bridge. There is a data sheet with some pin info on the BT878A from the Conexant site here:


    I've asked the programmer who has already disassembled the Aver drivers for some info etc. but he is not currently involved in developing the commercial software he was working on. I am hopeful that the information he learnt will one day appear anonymously on the net, as he once remarked to me that he felt sure BDA driver development could be done without the Avermedia SDK - given the 40 or so lines of demux interface code he had reverse engineered (I'm guessing as a WDM to BDA wrapper, much like Spectrum's BDA code for the VisionPlus DVB-T card).


    Re: Gizmomelb

    Thank you for your advices Gizmomelb, but I have had no intention to search for a right command sequence for an Aver card, it would be pointless if I don't have the driver source to patch and it seems to be impossible to make the DVICO driver operational just by patching the binary. I am getting ready for my 3 week holiday trip to NZ next month, so I am a bit too busy now, maybe I will make some further "experiments" when I will return, if there still won't be BDA driver for A771 or far much better application from Aver then now. I have been already reading the docs from Connexant, the problem is that there is almost no word about TS Stream capture in it, they say something about further document update, which seems to be unavailable to the public ! But my primary goal was to make the tuning operational and this code should rely on bdatune.sys and PLL+mt352 solely, so maybe I can learn something from the mentioned SDK for a Technisat Airstar2 but suddenly I could not find it anywhere !

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