AverTV DVB-T 771 (2 Viewers)


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  • July 28, 2004
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    zulubda.sys is used for BDA tuning.

    in ZuluTune.inf this is where the I2C address is decided...
    HKR,"DriverData","TunerI2CAddress", 0x00010001, 0xC2

    and in ZuluTcap.inf (BDA Receiver) these are the settings for the AverMedia card to interface with the MT352 demod...

    HKR,"DriverData","I2S8BitMode",0x00010001, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SClockEdge",0x00010001, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SMSBLSB",0x00010001, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SPacketMode",0x00010001, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SUseI2SPort",0x00010001, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    Hi Guys, I have an Aver 771 and I am very grateful for all the effort you are putting in.
    Keep up the good work and eventually I may be able to actually use MP, which would be excellent.

    Thanks heaps and good luck.


    dman_lfc said:
    zulubda.sys is used for BDA tuning.

    in ZuluTune.inf this is where the I2C address is decided...
    HKR,"DriverData","TunerI2CAddress", 0x00010001, 0xC2

    and in ZuluTcap.inf (BDA Receiver) these are the settings for the AverMedia card to interface with the MT352 demod...

    HKR,"DriverData","I2S8BitMode",0x00010001, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SClockEdge",0x00010001, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SMSBLSB",0x00010001, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SPacketMode",0x00010001, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
    HKR,"DriverData","I2SUseI2SPort",0x00010001, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00


    Of course I have tried modifying this first, before I even started playing with the DVICO drivers ! What's the most important for us now is the TunerI2CAddress, which is stored in the registry after the driver is installed. That's why the driver is so-called registry configured in the .inf header btw.
    But as far as I know it doesn't work ! The I2S mode is still serial and I2C address is C0 despite of the value in the .inf or the registry afterwards.
    Yesterday I have tried to even change the tunner model registry value to 0A (as this one has PLL on C2 addreess) just give it a try, but I was very surprised that nothing has changed in the I2C communication. I was too lazy to reinstall the driver (my spare PC which I have to use now is very slow just a reboot takes some 3 minutes!), I have just modded the registry and rebooted, so there are two possibilities:
    a) the driver is configured somewhere else than in the registry and I need to change the .inf and remove/reboot/install the driver/reboot with every change - but I have had no time for that yesterday
    b) the driver autodetects the tuner type and ignores the registry settings completely - this seems to be possible, as I remeber I have seen the mt352 ID register read on the I2C bus during the Windows boot, i.e. after the driver initialization !

    If you will hexedit the zulutune.sys file you will see there are some data tables near the end of the file, so I expect the initialization data could be somewhere there, but I was unable to find it till now. For those who knows dissassembly of C++ code better them me, I have uploaded the code here: http://www.althan.cz/A771/ZuluTune.asm . I have suddenly forgotten the list of initialisation data at home today, but I remember, that it starts: write to device 1Eh(mt352), address 89h(Clock_control) value 38h, then write device 1Eh, address 8Ah(CONFIG) value 38h. This is probbably implemented as a one command in the code as both writes are in the communication in the same order and only together ! If someone can find where this sequence is stored or programmed, we can trace the rest and modify it !

    I have checked the I2C communication with the original Avermedia driver, there are some differences, but nothing really critical - but I have had some problems with my I2C sniffer that time and not all data captured were reliable, so I will have to repeat it someday. Anyhow the main facts are that the mt352 must be configured for parallel output (the byte written to address 8Ah controls this) and the PLL address must be C2 (this has to be written to address 58h). So if there are some good code crackers on this forum, please, take the lead, as I am a bit busy now, and cann't continue too much. Of course If we would get the source code from DVICO, it can be modified easily, but I don't believe that some of the other companies will ever release it, as even Connexant - the manufacturer of the chip doesn't want to ! And they have generic BDA driver SDK for that chip and I believe the DVICO's driver is based just on this SDK !


    Portal Member
    January 31, 2005
    I go away for a few days and look what happens :)

    Glad you got it DMAN ........ sorry for the bracket but i was hacking it around to fit my case :)

    I am very greatful for everybody's help and feedback on this ..... even more so to DMAN for putting in his spare time to help us 771 Owners.

    I had an email exchange with avermedia about the cards support and i asked about support for MCE/BDA and i was told that MCE Wouldnt work at all because of the way the card works ....... what i knew already really.

    I emailed them back and said the card could support BDA becuase other cards with the same chipset can, but i got no reply. No big surprise there ........ why would they help when it means that people will have to buy a newer card?

    I think the only way this will get done is with the help of the people like DMAN and RaStr, thanks guys :)



    ZULU driver - success !

    So finally I have found where the C0 is stored, but it took another 4 hours from my regular sleep time ! The major problem was, that the tuning is not served by the zulutune.sys, after a couple of tries and some hours of work I have find out that I could even delete the .sys file from system32\drivers folder and the behavior of my setup will be still the same (i.e. all I2C command passed in the same order). So I have focused on the zulubda.sys driver, as it uses registry value named "TunerModel" which is actually the parameter deciding which tunnig algorithm will be used ! Then after some more hours I have found some part of its code, suspicious of defining the PLL I2C address, I have changed this to give it a try, but the driver then failed to load ! After another hour of research and tries I have discovered that the driver binary is protected by CRC, so I have had to change at least two bytes of code instead one only, after one more try I have discovered that they have to be word aligned (as the CRC is at least 16-bita) and then (was so exciting) , the driver initialized and sent the wished C2 PLL address over I2C bus :D .

    Suddenly it has not tuned anything, as it is searching for a 7MHz bandwidth signal, while in my area we have 8MHz channels. And probably there is at least one more thing in the setup of MT352, which is not correct and this is a method how the TS data are sent to a bt878. So with a drivers posted here: http://www.althan.cz/A771/fusion1.rar you should be able to tune to a channel a get a channel lock and some signal level readings, but of course still not any DVB data probably.

    I will have to install some BDA DVB-T player now and configure it properly to test it here, where 8MHz bandwidth channels are used, but I have tried DW7.01 with no luck, so, please, somebody try it with MP or something. I would really like to see that we are on the good way, so I should keep continuing !


    Hey Guys...Keeps up the good work, RaStr, i have tried the driver and it installed perfectly, but none of the programs i tried worked, i tried mce 2005 and it just scanned in two seconds and said no signal found, then showshifter says something about device malfunctioning and lastly media portal which i selected all available tuner models but only 1 showed blue screen, the rest nothing. hope this helps.


    Thanks RaStar and DMan, You Two guys impress the hell out of me!!!!

    I'll give these drivers a go tonight and let you know where I get to.

    Thanks again!


    Hi RastR,

    many, many thanks for all the work and time you're putting into this - here's some (hopefully useful) feedback.

    -I'd expect the Fusion HDTV Lite tuner to be set to 7MHz, as so far as I know the card is only sold in Australia, and we use the 7MHz settings down here.

    -So far as I know the Fusion HDTV Lite uses a Thomson tuner, whereas the A771 uses a Samsung tuner??

    -I installed your new drivers without any issues, but when I tried to do a scan using the ScanChannelBDA.EXE, it detected the A771 using your modified drivers, but it did not find any broadcasts. the program can be downloaded from:




    Retired Team Member
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  • July 28, 2004
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    The Fusion Lite works in the UK also (8MHz) - it's not exclusively set to 7MHz the BDA tuning software will / should set that.

    I seems the AverMedia application loads some eprom data to the card.
    I doubt this card is going to work with hacked drivers - we'll need the Conexant DDK to develop a driver for the samsung tuner but my correspondance with AverMedia has been poor as they are very reluctant to hand over any details about how this card works so we are very much blind.

    Mortus, I'm sending your card back - thanks for the loan and sorry I could not get it working with existing drivers - unfortunately the AverMedia card is too different to other vendors to hijack their drivers.

    I'm still pursuing this through other means - we'll see what happens...

    Good Luck everyone.



    Portal Member
    January 31, 2005
    Okie dokie DMAN, thanks for your efforts :)

    Do you want me to PM you my address and maybe paypal you some postage cash?

    Anybody wanna buy an Avermedia 771 DVB-T ? LOL


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