[Beta - Update 2013/08/09] MP3D - Render 3D videos via MediaPortal! (5 Viewers)


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  • March 31, 2010
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    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    ScRePt , thnx for you're response. However I can't get it to work.

    I just don't understand. My televsion has the next available 3D options (translated from dutch):
    * Simulated 3D
    * Above eachother
    * Beside eachother

    At this moment I don't understand why i need to use Steroscopic Player (version 1.6.2 by the way). If i downloaded a video whith the clips above eachother, why can't i play it in a normal pleyer and let my TV do the rest by selecting this mode? I obviously can't cause it looks really crappy, but as soon as i let the player murge the both clips (in one of the available video modes), the only mode I could use is Simulated 3D (witch looks crappy) cause above eachother looks even worse!

    I just don't understand.... ;(


    Portal Pro
    August 2, 2010
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    Greece Greece
    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    I don't have any other post processing filters.

    Windows version is Vista 32 bit
    Locale = Dutch
    codecs = SAF 5 unlocked
    I tried at least 10 different videos; all sourced side-by-side mkv cointainers and ts files
    I started with version 164, later I saw the link in first post pointed to 162, so I uninstalled 164 and installed 162

    I hope you have some tips for me that I can try

    Can you please try with a simple avi? I have some links in the first post.
    Also, I am sorry for the wrong download link. I have updated the first post to point to 3dtv.at download page. The version supported is 1.6.4

    We'll figure this out, dont worry

    ScRePt , thnx for you're response. However I can't get it to work.

    I just don't understand. My televsion has the next available 3D options (translated from dutch):
    * Simulated 3D
    * Above eachother
    * Beside eachother

    At this moment I don't understand why i need to use Steroscopic Player (version 1.6.2 by the way). If i downloaded a video whith the clips above eachother, why can't i play it in a normal pleyer and let my TV do the rest by selecting this mode? I obviously can't cause it looks really crappy, but as soon as i let the player murge the both clips (in one of the available video modes), the only mode I could use is Simulated 3D (witch looks crappy) cause above eachother looks even worse!

    I just don't understand.... ;(

    First of, just to avoid confusion, the "above eachother" is the Over/Under format and the "beside eachother" is the "Side by Side" format

    That's right. You need the stereoscopic player because it looks crappy!!! If you play an Over/Under video without the player and trigger your TV's 3D mode, it may not adjust well to your eyes. It may show shadows or, even worse, cause you headaches.

    This is where stereoscopic filter comes in. It hooks the video and you can adjust the parallax so that it does not look crappy.
    (Parallax is, in simple words, the distance between each side of the video. For each eye, TV, resolution, video, recording mode etc, the perfect parallax can vary)

    Simulated 3D is a bad way of transforming 2D videos to 3D. Don't use this for 3D videos :p

    For me, the perfect video without having to adjust the parallax was a trailer I found here
    (This is the video from which I took the screenshots for the first post)

    I hope now it's more clear!


    MP Donator
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  • March 31, 2010
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    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    Thnx, for your response! Makes more sense to me now... Unfortunately I won’t be home today, so I give it another try tomorrow.

    Just to make sure: When viewing the video in your link (Side by side format), without setting up my TV for 3D I will see the videos side by side. I need to turn on the “3D side by side” mode on my television, and play with the parallax settings (for now whitin the player, later in MP) until it looks right…

    Can’t wait to check it out….


    MP Donator
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  • May 5, 2008
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    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    When I read the title I hoped it was support for creating/adding/using 3d objects in Mediaportal skins, since I've been dreaming about that... :) But this is a really cool plugin and when I get a 3D TV i will keep this plugin handy. :D

    Keep up the good work!


    Portal Pro
    August 2, 2010
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    Greece Greece
    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    Yeah, render 3D could be easily confused with 3d space objects! If anyone comes up with a better title, let me known


    Portal Member
    May 29, 2010
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    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    Hi, ScRePt.
    Help please.
    How do I set the default settings in the file MP3D.xml.
    I need the input format "side-by-side (left first)", and output format "color anaglyph (red-cyan)".
    Thank you very much.


    Portal Pro
    August 2, 2010
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    Greece Greece
    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    For default output format, select any video, set the output format to anaglyph and make sure the "Remember current output format" is enabled via the 3d context menu.
    For default souce format, there is no setting. It can however remember your selection per video filename. Just make sure the "Remember current source format" is enabled via the 3d context menu. (it will also remember the parallax values)

    Does it make sense to have a default source format?? Each video can have different format ...

    Edit: The "remembered" values will be stored on exit, on video end and on disabled 3d mode


    Portal Member
    May 20, 2009
    Re: [PoC - Update 2010/09/12] MP3D - Render 3D via MediaPortal!

    Good afternoon, ScRePt!
    You can help with a question that I wrote in the 57 post?

    Thank you in advance for your reply!

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