Blu-Ray / HD-DVD Player with PowerDVD (a working solution) (5 Viewers)

Does this solution help you to play Blu-Ray or HD-DVD movies?

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    Votes: 211 80.5%
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    Votes: 51 19.5%

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New Member
February 24, 2008
I found the problem.

I have windows media center edition and the remote signal is intercepted by this software before powerdvd.
Using Girder i'm able to emulate the "CTRL+O" with a button:D


Portal Pro
May 21, 2007
Home Country
Australia Australia
Does anyone know if it's possible to pass command line parameters to PowerDVD?

I have an XBox HD-DVD drive connected to my HTPC (couldn't help myself with all the fire sales here in Oz) and am also thinking about getting the Pioneer BDC-S02 drive for Bluray. I'm just trying to come up with the best way for telling PowerDVD which drive to use depending on which disc I'm going to watch. I know that I could use CTRL-O and select the drive from there, however, I have a dual monitor setup. I have a Pioneer Kuro plasma is the primary display and I also have a 15" LCD which doesn't get turned on all that much (used for a Jukebox program and copying files, etc while still using MP). I'm using the mouse hide program and it seems to hide the mouse in the top right corner of the LCD. I haven't done a lot of playing as yet, but it looks as though the window to select a drive/location generally appears on the screen where the mouse is.

If it is possible to pass command line parameters to PowerDVD (eg: powerdvd y: ), then I could just have 2 entries in the MP menu - 1 for BR and 1 for HD-DVD.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be interested in hearing them. I will also do more testing to see if once I have the drive select coming up on the plasma, if it remembers that position in the future.



Portal Member
September 24, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Does anyone know if it's possible to pass command line parameters to PowerDVD?

I have an XBox HD-DVD drive connected to my HTPC (couldn't help myself with all the fire sales here in Oz) and am also thinking about getting the Pioneer BDC-S02 drive for Bluray. I'm just trying to come up with the best way for telling PowerDVD which drive to use depending on which disc I'm going to watch. I know that I could use CTRL-O and select the drive from there, however, I have a dual monitor setup. I have a Pioneer Kuro plasma is the primary display and I also have a 15" LCD which doesn't get turned on all that much (used for a Jukebox program and copying files, etc while still using MP). I'm using the mouse hide program and it seems to hide the mouse in the top right corner of the LCD. I haven't done a lot of playing as yet, but it looks as though the window to select a drive/location generally appears on the screen where the mouse is.

If it is possible to pass command line parameters to PowerDVD (eg: powerdvd y: ), then I could just have 2 entries in the MP menu - 1 for BR and 1 for HD-DVD.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be interested in hearing them. I will also do more testing to see if once I have the drive select coming up on the plasma, if it remembers that position in the future.

i currently have the xbox drive and a bluray drive in my setup and also am looking for way to bring up crt+o in my setup from my xbox hd-dvd remote which is basically a mce romote (I have that too).....if this shortcut to bring it up worked i could get around the issue im also having with non of my hd mpeg files playing through the intergrated mp player....thanks
BTW I love this plugin:D

ok i think i may be missing something?....what do I do with the .ahk file? and will it solve my issues?


Portal Member
September 24, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
HI, you can try whith this shortcut from PowerDVD to open a file:

-> Ctrl+O Selects media source for playback

I think this can be a help for your: PowerDVD Ultra Keyboard Shortcuts
Is it possible to remap the keyboard shortcuts in PowerDVD such that they match those in MP?

I tried the other approach by trying to remap a button to simulate crtl+O but I cant seem to be able to figure out how to get it to simulate keyboard shortcuts...


Portal Member
October 21, 2007
Will there ever be the possibility to use this plugin on a second display (eg projector via hdmi) without configuring it as primary display?


Portal Member
November 22, 2006
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Germany Germany
hy soberdor,

i never tried this plugin, but from the tecnical side i thing no!! The reason is that PowerDVD works with videooverlay, and that dosent works on a second display. Videooverlay is pushed throu the grafikcard and bypass the cpu.

greez Netzdiver


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  • June 17, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    You can try to start PowerDVD manually from the start menu, drag to the second display, switch to fullscreen and test if its play the movie.

    If this works, then it should be no problem to change the hd_starter to start PDVD on a second screen.

    The .AHK file ist the not-compiled script from the hd_starte.exe.
    You can modify this and recompile this for your own purpose.

    check the first post with the link to the autohotkey homepage :p



    MP Donator
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  • September 22, 2006
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    Finland Finland
    I use MP on secondary screen all the time, so I wanted powerdvd to launch there too (projector screen).

    I have put PowerDVD to second window by modifying the script. There was some command for AutoHotKey for resizing and repositioning Window so I took that and few other commands to first open PowerDVD, then resize it to 1280x720 and position on coordinates of 1441,0 (I think). I have extended desktop and primary screen is 1440x900 and secondary screen is right from primary. It's a hack but it works flawless on my system. I didn't research on it any further as I got it working, I can share my code later if you wish? You just have to manually change coordinates to point top-left corner of your secondary screen.


    Portal Member
    October 21, 2007
    risu, MoPhat

    Thanks a lot, this is exactly how I would need it - primary screen is 1280x1024, secondary is a projector with 1280x720. But anyhow, if it works, why not make it a feature of the plugin (-> MoPhat?). I could imagine that many people use a projector / tv for watching.

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