Bugs and improvements (incl. themes) (6 Viewers)


Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    TE theme:

    Player controls overlap EPG:

    No recording details (channel etc) (DONE)

    Grey theme preview image is missing: (DONE)
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    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    But the player controls also do not appear there :( I don't know why.
    We have a second base screen for this: \screens\master_bare_players.xaml. I think the TV screen does use the default (without player controls)


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    TE has some other issues:
    1. [2016-03-05 18:07:57,332] [11436 ] [DX Render] [WARN ] - Cannot open texture: FallbackFanart.png
    2. [2016-03-05 18:07:58,207] [12311 ] [AMQ 'ScreenManager'] [WARN ] - Cannot open texture: DarkPlayerControls\skipbackward.png (done)
    3. [2016-03-05 18:09:14,651] [88755 ] [DX Render] [WARN ] - Cannot open texture: DarkPlayerControls\skipbackward_focus.png (done)

    These exception I will check, as they might indicate a bug (fixed)
    1. [2016-03-05 18:08:02,035] [16140 ] [102 ] [WARN ] - AsyncStreamLoadOperation: Stream 'D:\Coding\MP\MP2\MP2_git\MediaPortal-2\MediaPortal\Bin\MP2-Client\bin\x86\Debug\Plugins\Titanium Extended\Skin\BlueVision\themes\Titanium Extended\images\C33E39CC-910E-41C8-BFFD-9ECCD340B569.jpg' could not be read
      System.ArgumentException: Offset und Länge für das Array liegen außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs, oder die Anzahl ist größer als die Anzahl der Elemente vom Index bis zum Ende der Quellauflistung.
    2. [2016-03-05 18:07:57,394] [11498 ] [36 ] [WARN ] - AsyncStreamLoadOperation: Stream 'D:\Coding\MP\MP2\MP2_git\MediaPortal-2\MediaPortal\Bin\MP2-Client\bin\x86\Debug\Plugins\Titanium Extended\Skin\BlueVision\themes\Titanium Extended\images\background.jpg' could not be read
      System.ArgumentException: Offset und Länge für das Array liegen außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs, oder die Anzahl ist größer als die Anzahl der Elemente vom Index bis zum Ende der Quellauflistung.
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    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    [2016-03-05 17:53:25,914] [261963 ] [DX Render] [WARN ] - CommandBaseMarkupExtension: Could not find method, could not execute command ({Command Source=MediaPortal.UiComponents.BlueVision.Models.HomeMenuModel,Path=OnScreenShow})
    I thought I had removed all ocurrences of this call? Please find and remove all OnScreenShow calls. The method does no longer exists.
    I searched locally and by github, but couldn't find any file with such entry. Can you tell me which file caused the warning?


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    I searched locally and by github, but couldn't find any file with such entry
    I saw it, but this is from November 2015 and not existing is last version.

    EDIT: I found it, it was in Win10 theme and is corrected. But very strange. My local branch was pushed, github and local sherach didn't show it. I had to enter all files manually and then search.
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    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    Almost all problems are resolved and solutions are pushed. See (done) behind above posts
    Following I will do later:
    • Position of player controls in TE (currently I have no good idea, only epg has this problem)
    • Currently Playing screen for TV (all themes)
    • MiniEPG with "next program" column --> I'm not sure, if this will be too overloaded. In the screenshot the program titles are quite short. I'm not a fan of Autosrcolling :) If everything is moving you loose overview and the eye can not focus on a text. Have to try it!


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    • Currently Playing screen for TV (all themes)
    I have fixed the current screen file (wrong reference to base screen) and also added all skin files to the project.

    Regarding the animation of the side menu in TE theme, I think we should not change the behavior now. The problem is, that the "IsMenuOpen" property is defined in SkinBase, so changes will affect all skins and this I'd like to avoid. So for now please disable the "SlideOutAnimation".

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