C.All - enhancing LCD and themes (Official Thread) (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 4, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
Schmidti said:
Hi together,
i have a question to the so called "GUIProperty".If I understand it right that`s the variable/data Mediaportal and Plugins publish to other aplications.
I´ve never heared about GUIProperty before. Is there a list of all GUIProperty avalable in the different Menus / Plugins? Something like that:

There can't be a complete list - any plugin may add new GUIProperties. To find out what has been sent between startup of MP and 'now' enable the debug client in C.All.
This gives you a list of all known GUIProperty names and current values.


Portal Pro
June 4, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
paulchen said:

i am trieing to get such a cool message on my display like the one from the first page of this thread. :?: :?: :?:
what i need: switching to mytv and the display shows you station-icon, what is playing and what is coming next.

i konw that there is also a how-to in this threat, but i am off in the second line (data view, right-click on c.all...???). :?:

has anyone a little pice of script for me, that shows me how it should work. :p

(i guess you don't need this information: i am using lcdhype and an 128x64 glcd)

please... help

Obviously xavier has done some incredible work.

xavier: Is your pic on page 1 of this thread fake or real? If the latter: Great work! Could you tell us how you did that?


Portal Member
July 9, 2006
xaviers screenshot

i think, xaviers screenshot is real. i made with his tutorial also a working cool display (240x128, t6963c, blue/black) with mediaportal, call and lcdstudio.
xaviers tutorial is only for lcdstudio. i think, lcdhype is dfferent, so i cannot help paulchen. sorry....

look at this:

thanks to xavier again for your tutorial
and to hdwagner for your great plugin


Portal Pro
September 21, 2004
when I enable the debug-window and start Mediaportal I can see the GUIProperty. Also in different submenues like music,tetris..

When i try to go into tv-menue i can hear my tv-channel but i have only my main-menue on the screen. In the debug-window I can see nothing. After a while my system blocks totaly.

means: in debbug-mode i`m not able to enter the tv-submenue! Is this normal or only on my machine?


Portal Pro
June 4, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
Schmidti said:
@HDWagnermeans: in debbug-mode i`m not able to enter the tv-submenue! Is this normal or only on my machine?
tv-submenue on VFD or on the monitor?
VFD: Yes, might be. I haven't created a C.All screen for the TV menues. The reason is simple: I have no TV card atteched, so I can't enter the TV menues ...
monitor: C.All shouldn't interfere at all with MediaPortal. So you might have discovered a bug in C.All.


Portal Pro
September 21, 2004
It`s on the monitor .
I have Mediaportal running in window mode. And the small debug window next to the mediaportal window. When I try to go from main menue into the tv submenue it freezes. (on the monitor) I can only hear the sound of my tv channel and on the monitor I`m still in the main menue not able to choose something. The c.all debug windowschows nothing.

When i switch off the debug window in the C.all setup everithing works fine.


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Does anybody use a Graphical LCD here ? And if yes which model ? My VFD doesn't work anymore and I'm going to buy another one but perhaps a graphical LCD would be nicer :)


Portal Member
June 27, 2005
Home Country
Italy Italy
graphic lcd

hi i use a graphic lcd with t6963c controller blue-white with c.all and lcdstudio and the result is great!


Portal Member
November 8, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
hi i use a graphic lcd with t6963c controller blue-white with c.all and lcdstudio and the result is great!

Hi, i am running the same setup but my result isn't so great. lcdstudio runs at sturtup but it isn't loading c.all so my display only shows 4 rows with "[data]". To get it work i have to start mediaportal and close it. Then i have to open lcdstudio options, uncheck "load c.all at startup" an recheck the option. Now it works. Is there any way to make it a little easier?

Thanks, starmind.


Portal Pro
October 25, 2006
Home Country
Finland Finland
Is there any way to send special characters like finnish ä and ö letters to LCD. I try with and without map but at LCD there seems some strange marks :)
If I add ä letter to LCD Smartie itself it shows it correctly at LCD.

I'm using LCD Smartie 5.3.2 and Matrix Orbital (2x20).

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