Call for tester for 1.4.0 features and fixes (3 Viewers)

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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I think I found it...

    If the last texture is too large only on one axis but does not fit anymore in the current texture then the texture atlas creation algorithm does not ignore it. It would have to create a new packed texture for only one texture and it does not do that one the last one under these circumstances.

    A very long time ago I made the following change:

    if (bmp.Width > (_maxTextureHeight / 2) || bmp.Height > (_maxTextureWidth / 2))

    changed to

    if (bmp.Width > (_maxTextureHeight / 2) && bmp.Height > (_maxTextureWidth / 2))

    Idea was. If it fits in on either axis we are good to go. Imagine like 1x1024 pixels.

    Reverting back to "or" instead of "and" means that if textures size is > 50% of the packed texture limit on either axis it will not get packed in. Under this circumstances the bug in the algorithm implementation does not trigger with your skin. It can still be triggered though.

    As said if the last valid texture to be packed cannot be packed in the current atlas-texture we are stuck in an infinite loop.

    I could fix the algo. But the Texture Atlas will be removed anyway as it has no benefits speed wise for us. And the power of two limitation only exists on some GPUs that have <= 64MB GPU memory (read AGP cards of the late 90s).

    I currently cannot remove the texture atlas as some methods assume that the texture it uses is always packed. This stuff goes back up to the fontengine. Therefore this will be dealt with another time when new texture caching/hadling is introduced. Probably along an upgrade to DX11 for easier coding.

    Will fix that one in the next build (already present in GIT, though). But before providing the next build I like to fix the ZapOSD exceptions as well.
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    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I'm sorry i cannot test your build. For several reasons i am still on MP 1.2.2 but there is a mantis entry that makes me scared.
    Mantis 0004068: Remove of S3 Hack! Without this option ticked my MediaPortal freezes after automatic wakeup from S3!
    No problem after wakeup by user e.g. remote. I'm on Windows 7 SP1 so there is still a need for this hack.
    Or do your have implemented another workaround?
    S3 Hack = setting some XP related registry keys regarding legacy USB devices from an XP release date of view (read: really ancient). These are system relevant settings and should not be done by an application. If suspend/resume works in general on your system then MP will as well.

    Beside that there is no differentiation between automatic and user initiated resume anymore. Nice idea, but was never properly implemented.

    In current MP, automatic resume does not properly resumes MP for nearly all users (in fact it did nothing, and therefore never worked). In other words the "S3 Hack" you are referring to is always enabled. This will stay this way until new handling for automated resumes are defined/introduced. At this time no configuration option as a workaround for an MP bug is needed.

    There were more related options removed as they are not needed anymore (e.g. "restart MP on resume (prevent stuttering for some Nvidia users)"). Again relates to XP, buggy APM BIOS (not even talking ACPI here) an buggy drivers on top of it for even more ancient GPUs. And of course the D3D implemenataion of MP itself prior to this series of builds played a role here.

    Nobody so far provided any suspend/resume issues. We will wait and see. And it takes as long as needed until no issues are reported anymore compared to stock MP.
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    Portal Pro
    October 26, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Thank you for answering!
    Just to be sure, the mantis S3 Hack is not the MediaPortal option "Apply workaround to fix MediaPortal freezing on resume on some systems"?
    The MediaPortal option will also be killed from configuration menu but is activated internal in your Code?
    Do I have this right?


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Yes, you got it right.

    Let me know when you upgraded to 1.3.0 how this build is working out for your. We need some more testers (especially for suspend/resume scenarios).
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    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Ok, I got a weird issue here.
    Logs attached.

    I have ABSOLUTELY no sound. It looks like some unwillingness to connect to AMD audio device.
    I have 2 audio devices. One Xonar DX card + ATI card audio
    Audio is present with WMP or just outside MP.

    Case1 with build 14
    Switched to PC--hdmi(v)--TV + PC--optical(a)--Receiver
    Set Xonar DX card as std device + comm device.
    Audio + video is OK

    Case2 with build 14
    Switched to PC--hdmi(a+v)--Receiver + Receiver--hdmi(a+v)--TV
    Set AMD HD audio device as std device + comm device
    Video is OK
    Audio... not present.

    Tried to force in configuration the audio renderer output to AMD HD device, still no luck.
    See screens as well (shift+1 views)

    00-17-27.png 00-17-49.png

    Will test more on 'normal' issues :)
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    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    What happens if you use "Default DirectShow Device" as audio renderer?


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thats What I use standard. Tried that first. No sound.
    Triedn then the AMD one.. still same.

    Going to give build V13 a go.

    Oh. Thats not possible. V13 does not contain fontengine.dll
    V14 has a new one which doesnt work on 13.
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    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Did you press "M" for a chance, to Mute MP? This is stored across sessions of MP and currently there is no indication of it being active during playback except for the playback session where you muted MP. Just press M or +/- in MP and see what's happening.

    Also check the Windows Mixer, it might show a different volume levels independent of the master volume control for MP/LAV/FFDshow depending in the filter's version and the audio renderer.
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    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Could you provide me with builid 12 + 13 again? including corresponding fontengine :)
    Before Build 14 it was the stock fontengine of MP. With build 14 I needed to include one as it was updated on master after the release of 1.3.0.


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    OK, thats it. Stupid really. It was muted.
    From with MP GUI I unmuted it. Playback, no audio still. BUT when I unmuted it during playback, it worked. Audio back.

    No need to roll back to 12. Will continue with 14 and test...
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