Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (7 Viewers)


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  • June 10, 2008
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    TheAddict, if you can preview in tvserver config, but not MP, then it sounds like a codec problem to me. Adjust codecs in MP Config.


    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    thanks kiwijunglist, done a little bit of playing today and heres what i got up to (posed on geekzone to)

    i uninstalled MP (everything) SQL and proceded to do a fresh install of MP 1.0 final, after the install i done the XP hotfix, restarted, scanned the channels (all the same channels came up) i went to the TV Channels tab, maped the channels over, setup the MP config side aswell, started MP up and managed to view TV One perfectly, C4 audio was good but id get about 1 frame every 20secconds, and the same with TV2, TV3 wouldnt even come up...

    so i proceded to uninstall again and install RC4, this is when the major problems started, firt it killed my audio, so i uninstalled the audio drivers.. and left tehm out of the pic for the moment, then after doing the hotfix for XP, scanned the chennels (same channels came up), mapped them over... but heres where im pulling my hair out (see below) even if i try to preview a channel i get the "error: channel not mapped to any card".

    im lost?

    what build is best for Xp. with SP3, is it worth installing the XP hotfix? should i just throw a Vista Install on?

    thanks again all :)

    .. little bit more of an update,

    have reinstalled MP1final, scanned channels and they came up, then got the "Chennel not mapped to a card" message by the FTA channels, so i closed the TV-Server Config, done the XP hotfix, restarted, opened the TV-Server Config, deleted all channels, rescanned, could preview a channel and it said DVB-S next to the channel (though it was jurky but audio was fine), opened the MP-Config, set that up,, opened MP itself went to view a channel and ..nothing, closed MP, opened TV-Server Cofig and beside the FTA channels was "Channel not maped to a card"

    is this a bug or some thing? yesterday i could preview all the channels i picked up without a probelem (i dont know what build i was using though) or am i doing something wrong?


    MP Donator
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  • May 21, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    In the first screenshot you've got the channels you don't want on the right and the ones you do on the left. It should be the other way around. Don't worry, MP does this to everyone ;-)

    PS I have had problems starting with XP SP3. Start with XP SP2, do hotfixes etc. and when ok, add SP3. Ghost is your friend.


    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Are you 100% sure your dish is aligned correctly? Have you got sky if so do you have a splitter? Is it a new dish, what's its history ,cabling etc. Can you give us more details about your setup? Also can you attach your logs from mp and from tv server.

    In the first screenshot you've got the channels you don't want on the right and the ones you do on the left. It should be the other way around. Don't worry, MP does this to everyone ;-)

    PS I have had problems starting with XP SP3. Start with XP SP2, do hotfixes etc. and when ok, add SP3. Ghost is your friend.

    Yea you shouln't ever need to do manual mapping though if you have just 1 card. Just scan then delete the channels you don't want.


    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    huckster2.. thankyou.. dam i feel like a tard.. :oops:

    ok so its going now, its quite jurky though on all channels every couple secconds the frame will freeze and pick back up.. could this be to do with the reccording of the program? as i can rewind "live" tv with the remote. or allignment of the dish?

    mcraenz.. the dish i picked up seccond hand, alligned it myself with the help of a sat finder (this took me a while and was on Optus D2 at 152.0°E for a while) after moving it around a few degrees and rescanning MT-Server pickd up the TVNZ channels in the screeny above. the LNB is a Sharp Model: BS1R2AQ112A, L.O. 113000MHz, no splitters just connect straight in the HVR-3000, nope i dont have sky, or a freeview STB,.. wish i did for troubleshooting. with the channels that came up it must be on Optus D1 ?? which is why im so confused as to why i cant get the other Freeview channels?

    umm the logs sure.. but how do i do get them? (quick google didnt bring much info on howto).

    Cheers guys :)

    .. just in the last 5mins,, while writing this reply.. i lost digital signal in MP, and now after restarting MP ive lost all audio.. codecs? and maby i dont have the correct allignment?


    MP Donator
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  • May 21, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    No worries, mate. MP combined with ATI video cards has driven me nuts. Been there - done that.

    Logs are most likely in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal TV Server\log and C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal\log.


    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Your dish is not aligned correctly or you have a bad cable/connector/LNB. Your signal quality is no good. That is your problem for sure. I'd put money on it.

    Btw good on you for giving the dish a go your self, the only problem with the sat finders is they only show you how strong the signal is not how good the quality is. You might want to install the software that came with the card as it will most likley have an accurate signal QUALITY meter.


    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    No worries, mate. MP combined with ATI video cards has driven me nuts. Been there - done that.

    Logs are most likely in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal TV Server\log and C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal\log.

    cool ill have a look through that and post em up, ATi cards and MP i could imagine.. (though ATi's drivers etc have gotn better as of lately), as this system was build solely for MP im just using a benching card of mine 8400GS (eww) but it should be ok to throw 1080i on the TV, in your (anyone elses aswell) opinion does MP require much Video Card grunt? i mean and 8series card (even the lowest in my case) should be able to handle everything rite?

    Your dish is not aligned correctly or you have a bad cable/connector/LNB. Your signal quality is no good. That is your problem for sure. I'd put money on it.

    Btw good on you for giving the dish a go your self, the only problem with the sat finders is they only show you how strong the signal is not how good the quality is. You might want to install the software that came with the card as it will most likley have an accurate signal QUALITY meter.

    yea thats a good idea, ill have a rummage through the huappauge disk tomorrow, will also have a play around with the alignment of the dish aswell.. i hear you when you say "they only show you how strong the signal is not how good the quality is" hence y i got stuck oh 152E for so long.. and being new to the game hehe. the cable is new and the workmanship on the connector doesnt look too bad, just have to do some work on the dish itself i think.. all in the sake of learning rite :)



    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Yea your on the right track. Your probably know but you need to make good quality cable and preferably crimp on connectors, sat signals are a lot mor picky compared for good old VHF where you can get away with twisting wires together etc. But yeah you'll really have a sense of satisfaction once you get it all up and running and I'm sure it's a signal problem, MediaPortal just isn't that hard :)


    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Ok Guys.. so

    after re-doing my dish install etc today.. i have reason to believe that my 3 day old HVR-3000 has a fault, on the back of the card just behind where the SAT plug is (under the sheilded part) is very hot, abnormaly hot, and i have no voltage output on the coaxial cable out of the receiver, could someone please confirm that the middle copper wire has around 13-18V on it if you have a Hauppauge product (or any sat receiver for that metter - this should be an standard?)? also im just thinking maby due to the length of coxial cable i have been using (30m) the LNB etc may have been drawing too much current/voltage from the receiver? does anyone know what kind of lengths are acceptable before an amplifier/repeater/power injector should be used?

    i have installed the card in a similar computer and no voltage or tone (on the sat finder) was detected, also using shorter cables. and the same very hot card situation.

    Surely Hauppauge have over current/voltage protection on these cards? maby i just got a bad apple? :(

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