Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (7 Viewers)


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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Yes you should get 13v out. What sort of F connectors are you using? If you're using the type with the little screw that holds the centre conductor in (the ones from dick smith) then I've found it's easy to get a short. I ended up buying a crimper. But yeah maybe just a dud card.

    A Frater

    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2005
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    A new website I discovered the other night might be of interest for EPG scraper written in PHP seam to work after some mods and removing +1200 from the xml file.
    I emailed the developer and he is working on the code to improve.:D


    Portal Pro
    June 4, 2006
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi All

    Are any of you using ForTheRecord (FTR)? From what I can understand after reviewing their website, the FTR package comes in two chunks - one installed on the TV server (well for a client/server setup anyway) and the other seems to completely replace the MP TV Client plugin. I wondered how well this works and if its worth swapping to this.

    Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated.

    Cheers Mike


    New Member
    February 6, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem to this:

    I have been running MP 1.0 with TV server for a while now with a single Avermedia 700 DVB-S tuner and things were great, however I recently decided to install a second card so I can watch & record any Freeview channel any time so I have installed a second card, the same model as the first and used a cable splitter to connect both tuners to the same Satelite dish.

    problem is, while MP can see the card, it will not detect any channels. its configuration is identical to the first and if I physically uninstall the first/original card, the new card works fine, as soon as I re-install the original card, the second cannot see anything or even recieve a signal??

    I have swapped cables, removed the cable splitter, updated drivers and nothing in that region seems to make a difference.

    Everything I have read indicated that installing a second DVB-S card was fairly straight forward so this is driving me a tad nuts so if anyone can assist it would be appreciated.


    Portal Member
    February 2, 2009
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Yes you should get 13v out. What sort of F connectors are you using? If you're using the type with the little screw that holds the center conductor in (the ones from dick smith) then I've found it's easy to get a short. I ended up buying a crimper. But yeah maybe just a dud card.

    Ok so after returning the card and getting a replacement, i picked up a new LNB with a 10750 L.O., got another cable crimped, re-jigd my dish setup and a re-alignment, i managed to pickup all the FTA channels, at first a couple channels were freeze framing but managed to get it rite after a little more alignment, as mcraenz said, you really need QUALITY in your signal, i found that my coaxial cable was not of the best condition (even being new, really need to buy a crimper and do them myself), and you HAVE to have the dish alligned as best as possible!! so many thanks to yall for all your help :)

    another question though:

    in My Videos, i have setup the folder and put an .avi format movie in the folder, it shows up in MP, but how do i play it? when i click on it it doesnt play, do i need to install Haali Media Splitter? or is there some other plugin that is preferred?

    and does anyone know the default folder location where manualy recorded tv is held?.. okgot the ans here

    Cheers :)


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 28, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem to this:

    I have been running MP 1.0 with TV server for a while now with a single Avermedia 700 DVB-S tuner and things were great, however I recently decided to install a second card so I can watch & record any Freeview channel any time so I have installed a second card, the same model as the first and used a cable splitter to connect both tuners to the same Satelite dish.

    problem is, while MP can see the card, it will not detect any channels. its configuration is identical to the first and if I physically uninstall the first/original card, the new card works fine, as soon as I re-install the original card, the second cannot see anything or even recieve a signal??

    I have swapped cables, removed the cable splitter, updated drivers and nothing in that region seems to make a difference.

    Everything I have read indicated that installing a second DVB-S card was fairly straight forward so this is driving me a tad nuts so if anyone can assist it would be appreciated.

    Can you fill up your system specs in your profile?
    I've not and any experience with Avermedia cards, do you know if they have BDA drivers? I take it you've tried having both cards installed and swapping the sat cable from one card to the other. ie excluding the splitter?

    Can you Delete all your TVServer logs just before trying to do a scan on the card that's not working then attach the logs as soon as the scan fails?


    New Member
    February 6, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Profile Updated and yes, they appear to be BDA Drivers.

    I have tried so many scenarios here that I cant remember them all.
    the main ones that seem to be relevant are:

    Card 1 in PC (PCi slot 1)+ external freeview set-top box connected via the splitter.
    ~ both fully operational and able to view all channels

    Card 1 in PC (pci slot 1) via either direct cable connection or via splitter - removed set top box from the config
    ~all works fine

    Install card 2 (into PCI slot 2) - no connection to the dish at all
    ~ Card one (PCI Slot 1) is no longer able to recieve a signal

    Connect Card 2 (PCI slot 2) - connect to Dish via splitter cable
    ~ Card 2 able to be successfully tuned but Card one (PCI slot 1) still has no signal.

    Swap cards in their related PCI slots - this does seems to be PCI slot related - not card specific. The card in PCI slot 2 is the one that can get a signal regardless of which card is installed.

    Swapping cable connections makes no difference

    It seems as if the card in PCI slot 2 is taking complete and absolute control of any tuning abilities regardless of its connection to the dish.

    Log Files attached as requested.


    New Member
    February 6, 2009
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    that would have been nice but no, Im running Vista Home Premium Sp1


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi All

    Are any of you using ForTheRecord (FTR)? From what I can understand after reviewing their website, the FTR package comes in two chunks - one installed on the TV server (well for a client/server setup anyway) and the other seems to completely replace the MP TV Client plugin. I wondered how well this works and if its worth swapping to this.

    Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated.

    Cheers Mike

    I've asked that question here before and got no replies so it looks like no one is, but I intend to - the one (and only) thing I "miss" about MCE was that if you set a programme to record every week you got it - OK with MP you do too, but if the programme starts or ends at a different time you end up with a stack of "Manual" recordings, and I hate that :mad: - may as well have a video tape with nothing written on it (and I built my HTPC to get away from that!) - FTR seems to fix this and much more (e.g. type in the name of an actor and tell it to record any movie with that person in it; how cool is that?)

    I've had one go at setting FTR up but didn't have too much luck. I use DVB-S for my EPG and XMLTV is the preferred EPG so I'm going to have a go at it again soon using one of the XMLTV links posted earlier in this thread (not Revens XMLTVNZ - I found it too frustrating when I used to use it)

    Make sure you've got a good "ghost" app if you're going to give FTR a go - as you say, it replaces pretty much everything to do with TV and I would NEVER rely on windows "restore"to do a roll back if things don't work out...

    The next time I get a rainy weekend I'll give FTR another go - I'll post my progress...

    If you get it up and running let us know how you get on/any tweaks required :)



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