Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (9 Viewers)


Portal Member
November 28, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi guys, I'm having some problems with TV3 and c4 (freeview)

I get the audio, but the video looks like it is a small portion of the screen blown up to fill the whole screen

I presume since i have tv1/2 fine that it has to be something to do with interlacing???

i'm using a hvr 4000 with mediaportal, does anybody have a similar problem or any idea what i'm doing wrong?

thanks so much, let me know if theres any more info or screenshots i could give that would help


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Set Mediaprotal Aspect Ratio = Normal, this will make sure all video touches the edges of the screen and maintains it's aspect ratio.

    Then if it doesn't look right then it is to do with your video card settings
    or your lcdtv settings and nothing to do with mediaportal.


    Portal Member
    November 28, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    wow, thanks for the prompt reply.

    its not a problem with having the aspect ratio wrong, when aspect ratio = normal what looks like it should be a small section of the broadcast fills the screen (though only in 3:4 ratio, so there are black bars down the side of the screen), and when aspect ratio = original i only have a small square in the middle of the screen.

    i've uploaded a screenshot to flicker to try give u an idea what i mean.
    dasf on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
    you can see what looks like the top left of someones head, like i'm only receving the top left quarter of the screen and when setting the aspect ratio to normal its blowing up that small section to fill the screen

    I'm using a 42' sharp with 1920x1080 resolution as a second monitor to run mp on, and if it was any of the settings on that surely the problems would occur on all channels?

    "Then if it doesn't look right then it is to do with your video card settings" could you expand on this? what settings were you thinking of? I have an ATI card, you're thinking something needs to be changed in the ATI catalyst control centre? I think you're on the right track, my thought was that it had to be a setting, either in MP (maybe something to do with deinterlacing) or a video card setting

    Again, thanks for all your help


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    i think u uploaded the wrong picture?

    use aspect ratio = normal
    under mediaportal config -> general : Start screen = Set to your TV
    you'll have to change your ATI CCC settings, but I can't fully help you as I use single display setup
    under CCC you can try changing the following settings...
    Scaling Options = 0%
    Using clone vs extended desktop
    Check the resolution your 2nd display is at
    Load a 1920x1080 test pattern -
    Check you have 1:1 mapping on the TV

    NB - I doubt it's got anything to do with interlacing. You could try turning on/off exclusive mode in VMR9 Directshow settings, as I'm not sure if exclusive mode has any effect with dual monitor setup... however it's best to leave exclusive mode ON.


    Portal Member
    November 28, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    It was the correct photo, just cropped, its prob better if i don't bother cropping them, so i've put up two more screenshots, uncropped, of TV3 and C4. the left screen is the one we're concerned with (the tv) the right is my computer screen

    tv3 TV3 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    c4 C4 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    edit Ah ha, got it: I changed Deinterlacing in coreAVC settings from single field to none(weave). I dono if maybe there were 2 things both trying to deinterlace (ie coreavc dinterlacing, then ATI drivers trying to deinterlace something thats already deinterlaced, fucking it all up???)

    Anyway, thanks for your help mate. It was your ideas of directshow settings that lead me to core avc


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    hmm i have no idea why changing the deinterlacing in coreavc would cause a cropping problem. However i don't use coreavc myself.


    Portal Member
    August 4, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hello All,

    I have just moved from the Waikato to Queenstown :) but am having trouble re-scanning for TV channels down here. From what I can work out, I need the frequencies for Peninsular hill transmitter but nothing is listed (or even remotely close to me) in the drop down 'country' section on TV Server.

    Questions: is there any way of manually adding the local frequencies to scan for TV server and if so, how the heck do I find out what the frequencies are?

    Any help appreciated!


    Portal Member
    November 11, 2006
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi Sylvester

    Well that'll teach you for moving away from the mighty Waikato!! Don't know that I can be a great deal of help as I'm not much of a techo. I'm haven't upgrade my TV Server to the latest as the existing is pretty stable for me so it's been a while. I remember I had to add channels manually as my HVR2200 had problems scanning properly at the time. Think from memory you can manually put in the frequencies. Here's a site that has transmitters with frequencies: Lincrad Aerials

    Not sure about freeview channels -assume they're there too.. I'm sure there's someone else who can give you better info.

    Good luck

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