Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (23 Viewers)


Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi Bleazie,

Wow, that ForTheRecord looks awesome!! I haven't got into the documentation as yet (will print it out at work tomorrow), but is it straight forward to implement this? Is there anything to watch out for? It appears from the screenshots to be all incorporated into MediaPortal as well - can all the recording be set from within Mediaportal?

Look good!!



If you can get MP up and running you'll be fine wit 4TR :D . Yep recording can be set from within MP just like the normal TV plugin - such as "record once", "at this time every week" (you'll never get a recording with no name on it when you use 4TR :) ) etc but advanced settings are done in the 4TR console.

Setup is straight forward but I recommend reading the instructions before you start! Make sure you set up the Shares properly and once 4TR is installed go into MP TV Server Config and enable the 4TR plugin before trying to "ping" MP from the 4TR console.

Once you've got it sorted you'll wonder why you didn't start using 4TR sooner...


Portal Pro
October 28, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hi Bleazie,

Wow, that ForTheRecord looks awesome!! I haven't got into the documentation as yet (will print it out at work tomorrow), but is it straight forward to implement this? Is there anything to watch out for? It appears from the screenshots to be all incorporated into MediaPortal as well - can all the recording be set from within Mediaportal?

Look good!!



If you can get MP up and running you'll be fine wit 4TR :D . Yep recording can be set from within MP just like the normal TV plugin - such as "record once", "at this time every week" (you'll never get a recording with no name on it when you use 4TR :) ) etc but advanced settings are done in the 4TR console.

Setup is straight forward but I recommend reading the instructions before you start! Make sure you set up the Shares properly and once 4TR is installed go into MP TV Server Config and enable the 4TR plugin before trying to "ping" MP from the 4TR console.

Once you've got it sorted you'll wonder why you didn't start using 4TR sooner...

Great, do you know if it also integrates well with Powerscheduler - I use this to enable the machine to sleep when not recording.


Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Not sure sorry, I've never used Powerscheduler - check out the 4TR forum (link is in my signature) or maybe there's something about it in this forum too(?)


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  • January 26, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi Bleazie,

    Wow, that ForTheRecord looks awesome!! I haven't got into the documentation as yet (will print it out at work tomorrow), but is it straight forward to implement this? Is there anything to watch out for? It appears from the screenshots to be all incorporated into MediaPortal as well - can all the recording be set from within Mediaportal?

    Look good!!



    If you can get MP up and running you'll be fine wit 4TR :D . Yep recording can be set from within MP just like the normal TV plugin - such as "record once", "at this time every week" (you'll never get a recording with no name on it when you use 4TR :) ) etc but advanced settings are done in the 4TR console.

    Setup is straight forward but I recommend reading the instructions before you start! Make sure you set up the Shares properly and once 4TR is installed go into MP TV Server Config and enable the 4TR plugin before trying to "ping" MP from the 4TR console.

    Once you've got it sorted you'll wonder why you didn't start using 4TR sooner...

    Yup agree ... I install the console on each of my computers around the house and use it a lot to check the Guide for what might of interest to record. Having the Web Page available to access your MediaServer is also incredibly useful.


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    ...Having the Web Page available to access your MediaServer is also incredibly useful.

    That's the only thing I've never been able to get working :( The combination of my modem and router (and whatever firewalling goes on in there) means I can't connect to 4TR over the web. I've tried bridging, port forwarding with a static I.P. etc but no luck. I can access 4TR from my iPhone using the imbot feature which is good if you know what you want to record or stop recording etc but it's not the same as looking at an EPG.


    Portal Pro
    June 7, 2010
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand

    How much bandwidth usage does the media portal streamed use??

    Here in good 'ol NZ limits on monthly usage restrict personal internet activity, and since installing the MPStreamed i have seen a marked increase in usage (as much as 5gb in 2 days), now, i have downloaded a few things since Tuesday (2.2gb) but no where near that much.

    Now, just by coincidence on the same day my son has started playing a game called wizard 101, which is an online streaming type game, but after some research even that can't be using that much??, although, due to problems with the install, he has constantly reinstalled the game without my knowledge, so this could be the cause.

    Does anyone know of any cases of the MPStreamed using high amounts of download, if so, are there any settings i need to change, apart from the RSS feeds, Weather and EPG, what else could be running that would cost so much bandwidth??

    Anyway, i suspect the No 1 culprit is the game, which he is now banned from, but it did make me wonder about the MP effect!!!...........what do you think guys

    Look forward to your ideas.

    Steve (Christchurch)


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Is the 'Fanart Handler' Plugin running perhaps? This can use up a lot of bandwidth if it's downloading backdrops for all your music artists... You can limit the amount of Fanart it downloads per artist in the Fanart Handler Configuration, or stop it altogether. The internet usage will calm down once it has downloaded the allocated number of images per artist as configured in the plugin.


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand

    How much bandwidth usage does the media portal streamed use??

    Here in good 'ol NZ limits on monthly usage restrict personal internet activity, and since installing the MPStreamed i have seen a marked increase in usage (as much as 5gb in 2 days), now, i have downloaded a few things since Tuesday (2.2gb) but no where near that much.

    Now, just by coincidence on the same day my son has started playing a game called wizard 101, which is an online streaming type game, but after some research even that can't be using that much??, although, due to problems with the install, he has constantly reinstalled the game without my knowledge, so this could be the cause.

    Does anyone know of any cases of the MPStreamed using high amounts of download, if so, are there any settings i need to change, apart from the RSS feeds, Weather and EPG, what else could be running that would cost so much bandwidth??

    Anyway, i suspect the No 1 culprit is the game, which he is now banned from, but it did make me wonder about the MP effect!!!...........what do you think guys

    Look forward to your ideas.

    Steve (Christchurch)

    StreamedMP is a skin for mediaportal, it would use basically 0 bandwidth. It uses a small amount to check if there are any updates and uses a small amount to update if you tell it to do so. Fanart Handler will use some bandwidth to download hires jpeg backdrops, but not much at all. The plugins moving pictures and my tv series which are also included with StreamedMP skin also download hires jpeg images, but all this download is just a once off and not an ongoing thing.

    You can consider installing software on your computer that monitors data useage and tells you which program is using all the data.


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    ...Having the Web Page available to access your MediaServer is also incredibly useful.

    That's the only thing I've never been able to get working :( The combination of my modem and router (and whatever firewalling goes on in there) means I can't connect to 4TR over the web. I've tried bridging, port forwarding with a static I.P. etc but no luck. I can access 4TR from my iPhone using the imbot feature which is good if you know what you want to record or stop recording etc but it's not the same as looking at an EPG.

    Do you have a static IP Assigned from your ISP for your ADSL connection? If so, all you to is pinhole port 42080 through to the Internal IP Address of your Mediaportal server, eg I have for my MEdiaserver so I just pinhole to that.

    If you dont have a Static IP, then you have to use a DynDNS type service so that you can "find" your machine from the internet. This normally requires runnig a small App on a server on your LSN, or some Routers have builtin functions for linking to a DYNDns account. Basically from the Internet you need some way of finding your Internet Connection, and using DYNDns etc allow you to convert a hostname to an IP Address.

    Im presuming you can access the 4TR Web Page interface from your internal network?


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    ...Having the Web Page available to access your MediaServer is also incredibly useful.

    That's the only thing I've never been able to get working :( The combination of my modem and router (and whatever firewalling goes on in there) means I can't connect to 4TR over the web. I've tried bridging, port forwarding with a static I.P. etc but no luck. I can access 4TR from my iPhone using the imbot feature which is good if you know what you want to record or stop recording etc but it's not the same as looking at an EPG.

    Do you have a static IP Assigned from your ISP for your ADSL connection? If so, all you to is pinhole port 42080 through to the Internal IP Address of your Mediaportal server, eg I have for my MEdiaserver so I just pinhole to that.

    If you dont have a Static IP, then you have to use a DynDNS type service so that you can "find" your machine from the internet. This normally requires runnig a small App on a server on your LSN, or some Routers have builtin functions for linking to a DYNDns account. Basically from the Internet you need some way of finding your Internet Connection, and using DYNDns etc allow you to convert a hostname to an IP Address.

    Im presuming you can access the 4TR Web Page interface from your internal network?

    At the moment I can't even access it on my local network :( - thanks for the pointers though, maybe I'll have another go at trying to get it up and running, I haven't tried since building the new HTPC.

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