I don't see why a menu item couldn't go in the MP Program Info dialog (along with Record/Advanced Record/Keep Until etc). Perhaps "Portion of Title". A different dialog then appears to somehow select which of the program words should be stored. Generally it will be the first word, or first 2 words, or first 3 words, etc.
I'm not sure if any plugin provides that simple capability or not.
Maybe some slightly more sophisticated 'fuzzy match'? That would also catch misspellings. The NZ TV EPGs are better than they used to be, but there are still many typos and inconsistencies. I wonder how Google do it? You can have some significant errors in your search and it mostly guesses correctly what you meant.
I may need to try it. While investigating Argus, I noticed it mentioned that MP can use UNC rather than RTSP for TV viewing, but I can't find how that is configured. Anyone know?
Seeking in movies (obviously accessed using UNC) is basically instant, whereas I've been putting up with Recorded TV seeks taking a good 2 seconds.
This is working sort of. I can't play recorded tv when TV Server has put the programmes into channel folders and title subfolders. eg.
Recorded TV\TV ONE\Global Radar\Global Radar - 2013-03-20 - S1015510 - E10288071.ts
I'm not sure why it does that because some programmes get recorded in the Recorded TV root folder and not others.