I have just confirmed that there are no problems with one of the common use scenarios, single tuner DVB-T. What I did for this was to disable all but one tuner, then schedule a recording on BBC1. While the recording was in progress, I turned on live TV on BBC2. All worked fine. Checked TV config, and this confirmed that both were using the same card.
So, looking good here, no regression. Been watching TV all evening and all works fine.
I have just confirmed that there are no problems with one of the common use scenarios, single tuner DVB-T. What I did for this was to disable all but one tuner, then schedule a recording on BBC1. While the recording was in progress, I turned on live TV on BBC2. All worked fine. Checked TV config, and this confirmed that both were using the same card.
So, looking good here, no regression. Been watching TV all evening and all works fine.