Cannot Access Live TV (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 28, 2017
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United States of America United States of America
If I do a new channel scan I am gonna get alot of UNKNOWN CHANNELS & DUPLICATE CHANNELS and I don't know how to remove them correctly and assign what channels to which tuners??? Wizard123 did this for me and I was not in front of my PC when he was doing the channel scan and mapping the channels I was at dialysis. But you for example I was in front of my screen and awake most of the time when you were doing things on my PC to try and get my live tv working and I leaned some things from you about the TV configuration. Can you please give me the link to that screen shot you provided?
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Deleting Unknown channels is a matter of seconds, Duplicates is a different subject. Both are not an issue - see below about channel groups. But at this point things don't work at all. What are you expecting from forum members to do for you? Wave a magic wand?;)

    You can export the existing channels from TV Configuration under "Import/Export", then delete ALL you channels and do a scan with ONE tuner only. Chances are that it won't work. In that case you can import what you exportged and you are at the same point again. If, however, the scan is successful, then you have succeeded to setup your stuff. Don't bother about unknowns and duplicates.

    You still haven't captured what I mentioned about the concepts of channel groups. That's why I added some of the current channels into a separate group. This can be done any time and helps to streamline your channel view to only contain the ones that you are interested in.


    Portal Pro
    April 28, 2017
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    United States of America United States of America
    No HTPCSourcer I don't expect you to wave a magic wand but I learn better with hands on(I am a video and audio learner). I just don't wanna mess anything up any further. I just want to be able watch my Live TV even if it is just my local tv channels. So please if you can show me??

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    Portal Pro
    April 28, 2017
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    United States of America United States of America
    You have already export the tv configuration to a folder already right so I don't need to do it again I don't think. I will do the first tuner, so do I scan for digital cable or ASTC???


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Everything is explained in detail in the guide. Just follow the steps.

    And regarding the export: make sure that export.xml is still there. I recall that I deleted it. In that case it should be in the trash folder.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Create a new one: just own the configuration and go to the Import/Export section to export your current channels and settings.


    Portal Pro
    April 28, 2017
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    United States of America United States of America
    I have already exported a xml file now where do I find it?? And when I do a channel scan for the first tuner do I scan for digital calbe or ASTC?


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
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    I have already exported a xml file now where do I find it??
    Exactly there where you stored it! Clicking on "Export" brings up a standard save dialogue with a standard path proposal. Unless you've changed it you should find the file under C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
    - Of course there is always the possibility to simply do a file search in Windows...

    Be it MediaPortal, Kodi, or whatever other HTPC software you have meanwhile tried, they have one thing in common: you need a little bit more Windows know-how than you appear to have. Although it is no rocket-science, questions of the kind about export.xml underline this. I am sorry but I seriously doubt that you (and we) will ever get happy with the situation.

    Therefore I recommend, strongly recommend, that you move back to Windows 7 with both its Media Center and the Ceton software being fully supported. If you still prefer to stay with Windows 10, then you will need to invest time reading, understanding and experimenting. I will no longer answer questions that are fully addressed in the Wiki. See for example here about Import/Export.

    Now using the Ceton device under Windows 10 is particularly tricky since it brings its own little network server. I don't even know if it is possible to make it fully work under Windows 10 and you have asked similar questions in other forums before without getting any satisfactory answer. Yet if you keep sticking to Windows 10, then start with the reading now and take a look at Ceton InfiniTV Network Tuner Wizard: Access InfiniTV Tuners From Multiple PCs | Missing Remote. Skip the top part and the MCE-like screen-shots and scroll down to Installation on Host without WMC (WHS2011, Windows Server 2008 R2, etc.). It explains how the Ceton network and the Windows Ethernet adapter can be bridged. If you decide to give this a go, then the following will happen:
    1. The Ceton InfinityTV will appear as a new network connection
    2. The current standard Ethernet network connection and the Ceton Infinity network will be "bridged" and create a new network connection
    3. Your Windows PC will therefore get a new IP address - this will break your MediaPortal setup since the old IP address is still stored in the database
      • This can be repaired, either by using the SQL editor, or
      • Deleting the TV database (requires new setup of TV), or
      • Uninstalling and re-installing
    It is feasible but requires computer, Windows and network knowledge that you currently don't have. That said, we can't always connect to your machine every time something is not working but expect you to get to a certain level of understanding that allows trouble shooting purely on forum basis. In light of the above, please think again if it might not be better to move back to Windows 7. Alternatively chose hardware that is known to work both under Win 10 and MediaPortal such as HDHomerun.


    Portal Pro
    April 28, 2017
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    United States of America United States of America
    Well one thing is for certain I am not going back to Windows 7 or 8 and 8.1. I have been reading the wiki and I understand some key points to my situation there and I was gonna use one method of replacing the files under the keywords cable card slowly detecting tuners but you recommended me not to do that. I am still reading the wiki but I am also paying close attention to your notes because it is of course gving those extra details specifically to my HTPC setup. I cannot believe you are giving up on me you are the HTPCSourcer but that's ok then I guess :( However watching you and wizard123 work on the my PC I gained alot from you and very little from wizard123 because I wasn't there the whole time when he worked on it. But now because of you I am not following the wiki blindly but the I will say it again it doesn't give the extra details to my specific setup like a live person would. But thanks for what you did do for me, all of you. I just can't believe you will just leave me you said you would always help and yes I am still learning the In's & Out's of Windows 10 because I want to be like you guys. Once again I am gaining what I need by watching you guys and your details notes is really helping me to understand the Wiki more than before and why is this, well because of you all, by watching you and learning and the detailed notes. So now I can begin to understand my setup intimately as are telling me ,so I do follow you and I am doing so.
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