Cannot play movies at all when Moving Pictures is enabled! (2 Viewers)


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
This is very strange thrilled. When running with Moving Pictures installed, based on your logs it looks like Moving Pictures simply hands off the file to the MediaPortal g_Player class and then things get hung up there. There is a log message in your Moving Pictures log that occurs directly before the call to the MediaPortal player. This makes me think the problem lies with MediaPortal rather than Moving Pictures, especially considering that things do not play back in MyVideos either.

But then everything apparently plays correctly when Moving Pictures is disabled (despite a few DirectX errors). This is truely baffling. I don't really even see how it is possible for Moving Pictures to interfere with MyVideos playback with the way we have things coded...

So can you think of any other relevant details? Are there any movies that play correctly? Does stuff in MP-TVSeries fail to play as well? And just to confirm, the same video will fail to play in both MyVideos and Moving Pictures, with absolutely no configuration change?


Portal Pro
October 30, 2008
So can you think of any other relevant details? Are there any movies that play correctly? Does stuff in MP-TVSeries fail to play as well? And just to confirm, the same video will fail to play in both MyVideos and Moving Pictures, with absolutely no configuration change?

Hey again Fforde!

To answer your questions:

* No movies are playing with moving pictures enabled I have tried several different movies and it's the same problem :(
* I cannot play any kind of episode from MP-TVSeries with Moving Pictures enabled. As soon I disable MovPic then it works again.
* Yes, the same video will fail in both in myVideos and Moving Pictures if Moving Pictures are enabled (with no config change)

Since you mentioned some error with DirectX then I will make sure to upgrade/reinstall that just as a precaution.

To me it appears that something with the cooperation between Moving Pictures and Mediaportal isn't working when MovPic is enabled since it affect every movie/tv-serie playing.

Things worth to mention:

* I have reinstalled Mediaportal and StreamedMP and the problem is the same
* I have been running MP 1.1.0 RC4 with StreamedMP on the same OS and computer and it worked without any problems at all

Is there anything else you want me to try? I will try to update StreamedMP since I saw a flash about a new update being available and see if that makes any difference.



** UPDATE **


The problem appears to have been solved.

I used Microsoft "DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer" and it updated several components in the DirectX version, and now it suddenly starts to work without any problem!

This headache is now over :)

I hope that this can be of use for others experiencing similar problems.

Best Regards!




New Member
June 23, 2010
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi, sorry to make my first post a cry for help but I have been having the same problem as thrilled. Have been using Moving pictures fine until upgraded to MP 1.1.0. Did a clean install of 1.1.0, movies worked fine, installed Moving pictures and exactly the same as the OP. I only have the standard Bluewide skins installed. Also TV series not working. If i disable moving pictures movies and TV series work.

I have carried out the actions as per post 9 and attach the logs files.

Can anyone help ? Thanks



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Portal Pro
October 30, 2008
telstargb: Just to make sure.. have you tried the update of the DirectX files that solved my problem?

Can be good for the devs to know that as well.



New Member
June 23, 2010
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United Kingdom United Kingdom

yes I meant to mention that, I saw your post and updated the direct x as per your suggestion thinking it would solve it, but still having the same problem



Portal Pro
October 30, 2008
Apprears I have been lucky with solving my problem then :) :( I wish you all goodluck with your problems as well!


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  • October 27, 2006
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    France France
    I've got the exact same problem :
    - moving picture enabled : nothing works.
    - moving pictures disabled : back to normal.

    Windows 7 / up to date / HTPC dedicated for MediaPortal

    I'll post my logs later.


    New Member
    June 23, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi, sorry to make my first post a cry for help but I have been having the same problem as thrilled. Have been using Moving pictures fine until upgraded to MP 1.1.0. Did a clean install of 1.1.0, movies worked fine, installed Moving pictures and exactly the same as the OP. I only have the standard Bluewide skins installed. Also TV series not working. If i disable moving pictures movies and TV series work.

    I have carried out the actions as per post 9 and attach the logs files.

    Can anyone help ? Thanks


    Anyone have any clues ?


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