I was hoping that st0rmcat would submit his work but since he hasn't been seen since May I think it may be safe to assume that he lost interest or would prefer to keep his work private.
Having said that, there is enough information in his screenshot to make some educated guesses about what is required.
I logged into somebody's system a month or so ago and performed a few tests in relation to those guesses.
The tests were a success - effectively a really big breakthrough. I was testing with an HDHomeRun Prime, but I think the result is fairly transferable.
Unfortunately I'm just totally time constrained.
I have zero time and zero hardware to take further steps.
CableCard tuner support is still on my TODO list and weighs heavy on my mind, but I simply have higher priorities that I have to take care of.
If there are any devs out there that want to help - I'll be happy to share what I know.