Closing external movie player (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 16, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi, am using mpc to play my movies and it runs fine except for when I'm done. Is there a way to program the mce remote to close the player? have tried 'close process' but it didn't work.



Portal Member
March 24, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
I am wondering the same here. been searchin around the forum but cant seem to find an answer.


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
    Home Country
    Wales Wales
    I have a MCE Remote and from all my googling, it seems that I would need to use HIP to map a new key. ALthough HIP seems like total overkill!

    I dont suppose someone could modify the MPTray application to do this? As MPTray currently picks up the green button and loads MP, could it be modified so that pressing the green button always closes the current app then swaps to MP? or maybe picks up another keypress?

    An easy way to get back from external apps would really make the MP experience a bit more slick.

    Oh and while im thinking up ideas.. how about an option to mute and stop any playing video when MP is in the background? so you dont have to worry about stopping things before loading an external app :D

    so many ideas.. I should brush up on my .NET and sort some of this out myself!

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