[DIY] Amblight project/guide - Hyperion - WS2801/ WS2812B / APA102 (7 Viewers)


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  • March 10, 2006
    Haven't tried that setup yet however so can't confirm if that will work but that one does support deep color on both outputs so you don't lose any additional color info going towards TV :)
    Leds wise if you build it yourself it will cost less and have a lot more leds ( > 200) for better effect and upgrade-ability.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I could always add Hyperion to a HTPC+USB direct driven solution afterwards right?

    And frankly if the Hyperion downsamples the 4K at 1080p then it will still be overkill, resolution wise even 480p is more than enough for a 1024 LED zones.

    Or are you saying with that HDMI 4K splitter that a 4K signal will pass-through, but the light effect will only work when a 1080p signal is detected?

    Just have not seen anybody post that they run a 4K HTPC with AmbiLight, and I do not want to waste money to find out afterwards it is never going to work.

    DIY would not be a problem, but due to a constant lack of time, are there any 200+ LED/zone ready made solutions available to purchase?


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  • January 7, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Correct me if I am wrong, but I could always add Hyperion to a HTPC+USB direct driven solution afterwards right?

    Afaik you can't drive Hyperion via USB directly as it needs some form of input be it HDMI capture or receive image via network like we do with AtmoLight, only on Raspberry + Kodi for instance and such you can use X11 capture as Linux supplies it with an image then.
    Under Windows there's also the HyperionScreenCap but that does also restrict you to that PC output and doesn't allow you to use STB / Consoles etc.. like live capture via HDMI does.

    Or are you saying with that HDMI 4K splitter that a 4K signal will pass-through, but the light effect will only work when a 1080p signal is detected?

    If its anything like the 1080p splitter both need to output the same resolution and refresh rate as it sticks with the lowest output so need 4K splitter but now that I think about it you also need the USB capture stick to support 4K and those I haven't seen either.
    Fushicai UT007 only does 1080P @50/60hz so would need to do 4K, will do some more digging here :)

    DIY would not be a problem, but due to a constant lack of time, are there any 200+ LED/zone ready made solutions available to purchase?

    Haven't seen 200+ ones only the easy click-on system of SEDU but those use old WS2801 leds and are expensive.


    New Member
    November 20, 2016
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    Belgium Belgium
    Hi everybody,

    I just finished a setup for any HDMI source using this guide. Everything works, however I have a problem with resolutions:

    As far as I can tell, the problem lies in the fact that the HDMI splitter can only process one resolution, either 1080p or 702p in my case. My TV is 1080p, whereas the other HDMI output (the hdmi2av and USB grabber Fushicai UTV007) is 720p.

    So what happens is that the resolution is downscaled to 720p in the splitter and my TV receives a bad looking, skewed 720p signal. If I unplug the HDMI cable going to the video grabber I get a 1080p signal (so it's not the splitter).

    Now I do wonder if I'm the only one with this problem since I can't find any other people with similar issues. Do you all have 720p TV's or did you find some 1080p video grabber somewhere?

    Anybody any suggestions?


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  • January 7, 2006
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    The Fushicai UTV007 can process 1080P inputs so it's probably going wrong on the splitter end, 1080P@50/60hz works just fine as I use that for PC gaming / consoles for a while now :)
    Also make sure you didn't get a clone / fake UTV007 as those can be out there as well.


    New Member
    November 20, 2016
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    Belgium Belgium
    Yep that was the problem, it all works now, thanks!

    I'd also like to program the LEDs to turn black (or switch off) when the arduino doesn't receive a signal for a specified amount of time. Anybody here well versed in arduino IDE?


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  • January 7, 2006
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    Not a lot of active development on it at the moment (RL / work etc..) but have it running from source here for a while now without issues, web interface could use more improving but with my APA102 and Orbs it's fine :)

    Think it's close to an early Alpha release but will ask team to see where we are.


    New Member
    March 20, 2017
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    i just have one problem and that is that my APA102 led strip doesnt react at all.
    When i connect it directly to the power supply only the first led gives white light and this change color when i bend the strip.
    Would it be possible that my led strip is defect?

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