@Lightning303 Great piece of work! I think I will try this.
How did you secure the LED's into the alu L profile??
How did you secure the LED's into the alu L profile??
How did you secure the LED's into the alu L profile??
Hi Lightning,
Would you be able to post a picture (or video) of what the ambilight system looks light when you are playing cinemascope/ultrawidescreen movies. Does it just not have any lights at the top and bottom?
Many thanks,
Thanks, but wouldnt have been possible without threads like https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...thread-sedu-board-led-stripes-atmowin.104785/Wow, what a great project.
There are no dumb questions ;p.Maybe a dumb question
Yeah, the Sedu board is connected via USB.how do you connect the Sedu board to PC. Probably with USB.
It does add extra strain on the CPU. However, you can change how often a picture is send to AtmoWin within the Atmolight Plugin for Mediaportal. Standard is every frame gets send and analysed.Does it put a lot of extra strain on the GPU or CPU of the HTPC?
and before that i used Avalon. Call me a fan .btw. Lightning303, i see you use Titan as skin. Thanks!
I can do that, something in mind?And a few more demo videos would be highly appreciate.