[DIY] Selfmade AmbiLight using LED Strings (3 Viewers)


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  • September 12, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I made a video of my system with the radial color demo :).

    Interesting to see how the space between wall and LEDs effect the overall image.
    In the video from Media HD the TV is mounted to the wall and the Ambilight seems way more detailed. My TV stands free and has ~18cm space to the wall, making the Ambilight way less detailed but a lot smoother. Logical, but i never really thought about that.
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  • September 12, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Thanks for you Posts!
    I dont want to sound like im throwing you out or something. But its maybe best to make a new thread for these things. I mean it doesnt have anything to do with my project, as im using a sedu board. Im just thinking, when somebody is searching for exactly that kind of stuff, he wont look in here, where it is burried after a while and where it doesnt fit the context.
    Starting a new thread about Arduino and similar boards, especially in english, is a good idea i think. :)

    Again, please dont take my post the wrong way =)


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  • September 12, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    @Lightning303: I have copied your thread to our wiki, I hope that's fine with you! Otherwise, let me know Marcel!



    Sure, its fine with me :) Thank you.
    The first 2 youtube videos are the same one. You can either just delete one duplicate, or if you want, add the right one, but if you do that, please add my note, that this is a video of the system not tweaked corectly, and is there to show what difference tweaking does :).

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