DVBS Diseqc 1.2/USALS Motor Support (1 Viewer)


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  • August 4, 2005
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Lol, there we go again

    If MP doesnt have feature XYZ then i'll use another app
    Be my guest...

    I think you are being a bit harsh there. Isnt it okay that people point out that lack of certain features are showstoppers for them, especially when in response to the following question:

    how much interest is there for this?


    Portal Pro
    November 20, 2006
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Ok well I'm going to re-mount my dish soon since the pole hasn't been verticle enough since my first install; hence I havn't got around to playing with the motor I bought with the setup! My intenion would to simply write a plug-in that uses the same software used by prog dvb, I havn't asked the author yet but hopefully he'll be ok with it and maybe even provide me some API. Im sure as heck not going to try to work out how to send diseqc commands via the skystar to the motor in c#. Far beyond my skill/ experience /avalible time!

    btw I've only been using satellite TV / MP for about 1 month so it might take a while before I get this off the ground, and any pointers in the right right direction would be good!


    Portal Pro
    November 20, 2006
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Sweet. Thats awesome news. Is it possible to change the LNB LOF freq in tv server? it seems to default to 10600 but my LNB is 11300? or am I msising something?
    Frodo media portal is fantastic software; really appriecate you sharing your talents and time with the communtiy.

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