FanArt now avalible for My Videos and My Music ! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 8, 2008
Home Country
England England
Can you use fanart for music/videos etc using Indigo 2.4?

And if so please can you check to see if my "mymsuciplaynow" is correct (see attached)


  • MyMusicPlayingNow.xml
    30.6 KB


New Member
November 20, 2007
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Netherlands Netherlands
Regarding the music part....
Has anyone tried this with the StreamedMP skin yet? As I've been trying an figuring out what to do.
What kind of view do I need to be in? Is that the now playing screen?

I've put it in the MyMusicPlayingNow.xml screen. Is it also possible to integrate it in the Filmstrip view for shares?
This is the last part of the code of MyMusicPlayingNow.xml

<visible>plugin.isenabled(My Lyrics)</visible>
<animation effect="fade" time="400">WindowClose</animation>
<animation effect="fade" time="400">WindowOpen</animation>





Portal Pro
March 17, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
you can put it in mymusicsongs for the shares of my music. actually you are able to put it in any window.
Just be sure the filename matches exactly with the artist.

Didn't do this yet for streamedMP but I did for my own skin. streamedMP will support it to I guess


Portal Member
December 22, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Cheers, got it sort of working now !

How did you do it? Tried adding the code to my installation running MP1.0 and StreamedMP 0.4***. The FanArt does not really show up but I can see it when i change view och exit back to home menu, right between the to screens.

I added the code inside the <controls> tag, is that correct?

EDIT: Placed the code att the bottom of the <controls> works way better now, seems to overlap the existing background image though. It can easily be fixed by replacing the background with a black one. It won't matter as fanart will be displayed all the time music is playing anyway.


Portal Member
December 8, 2008
Bit of noob here and can't quite get this working :-(
So far I have added the code to MyMusicPlayingNow and MyMusicSongs. It ever so slightly worked (was faded together with the original MP Streamed backdrop) however this was only if I clicked 'now playing' which I wont as I just select an artist and the let the album play through.
How do I get to work when it is just playing in the corner and you can still see the rest of the tracks? And not make it so the pic is faded?


Portal Member
December 22, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Bit of noob here and can't quite get this working :-(
So far I have added the code to MyMusicPlayingNow and MyMusicSongs. It ever so slightly worked (was faded together with the original MP Streamed backdrop) however this was only if I clicked 'now playing' which I wont as I just select an artist and the let the album play through.
How do I get to work when it is just playing in the corner and you can still see the rest of the tracks? And not make it so the pic is faded?

Put the code right after the <control> containing background och overlay depending on how you want the fanart to be more dominating or not. you see, the images are applied in the order they appear in the XML files, in other words, if you wnat the image at the back place it first in the XML, if you want it in front of everything, place it last. See the example below:
      <description>music background image</description>
      <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="250">WindowClose</animation>
      <texture>hover_my music.png</texture>
				<animation effect="fade" time="400">WindowClose</animation>
				<animation effect="fade" time="400">WindowOpen</animation>
      <description>music overlay image</description>
      <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="250">WindowClose</animation>
Hope this helps :)

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