Finally working IP-TV solution for TV Server! (1 Viewer)

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  • February 14, 2008
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    great, so can you publish your changes?

    Yes - where? how ? Code should be polished a bit as it was long time a go I did real programming. Anyway people from russian MP forum claims it works ????????? IPTV ??? MediaPortal.

    Should I open another thread or we can continue to discuss it here ?

    Post changed sources here as attachment and write short guide how it works and what feeds are supported. Example url will be great!



    MP Donator
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  • July 16, 2009
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    Slovenia Slovenia

    I'm not sure about your grabber filter but I remember being able to play UDP streams with Elecard grabber in WMP.
    With MP 1.1., WMP keeps saying it can't play the UDP stream while at the same time MP can.
    I need this for testing because MP TV Server seems to be dropping packets and I don't know whether there's a bug in grabber filter or in TV Server.

    Also bit of a techical question: did I read your filter source correctly if I saw thet a separate thread is created for grabbing? This would at least in theory eliminate any problems on the grabber part, provided that the intermediate buffer is large enough.

    Can you also explain how buffer size is determined? I saw that you allocate 128KB if size is not specified in request, but 128KB is only good for some 150ms of 8Mbit UDP stream. Could this be the source of my dropped packets? That TV server for some reason can't empty the grabber buffer fast enough? 150ms really isn't a long time at all. A hiccup and you're done. In my particular case, packets get dropped practically every second, probably multiple times per second. It's hard to tell with all the artifacts popping up that are the result of missing packets.

    Is there any way I could specify minimum buffer size for the grabber filter without actually modifying the source code?


    Portal Pro
    January 20, 2009
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    Denmark Denmark
    Hi Mikeyko and others !

    Finally I have got some time to clean up my code as well as add some more functionality .

    I have attached changed sources and two libs - Debug and Relese compiled versions.

    The idea is pretty much the same as Mikeiko has done for UDP protocol.

    Function Load parses URL. There is one idea around that function. Usually HTTP sources are protected by some kind of pre-auth routine which takes User/Password, query some central server and gets some http URL with tokens and based on that URL you can get real stream. My idea is to give people the interface so they can program small Auth plugins to get password protected http streams. I am far from releasing of such idea (and I am not sure I have proper skils) but as example I have added Get_Url_Kartina function which is trying to extract stream url out ot paid tvservice Kartina.TV based on user/password pair.

    Second modified function is ofcause DoBufferProcessingLoop. It's based on WinInet calls and selfexplained.

    I have added LogDebug function too. So now filter generates MPIPTV-2009-12-14.Log kind of log.

    Latest version has been succesfully running for 3 weeks. The version before has been running since mid June 2009. Several guys from russian MP forum have confirmed it works in their enviroment.

    Url examples : http://a.b.c.d:232/Get_me/stream.cgi (simple one out of openair internet stream) (private TV provider network) (router maps ouside multicast streams to internal HTTP streams)
    kartina:// (filter goes to auth server, authenticate itselt and gets tv stream http url)

    So far thats it :) It was actually my first windows program after being 15 years in unix world :)) so don't beat me much :) And you are welcome to comment on and ask.

    Best regards,


    • MPHTTPTVSource.rar
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    December 3, 2009
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Hi All! I have exactly the same problem, as velis said above. Is there any way to change biffer size to larger value?


    MP Donator
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  • July 16, 2009
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    Slovenia Slovenia
    I'm fixing the source ATM. There are a couple of possible failure points.
    After analyzing the code I determined that buffer size doesn't seem to be a problem.
    Expect a patch next week, but when it will be published, I don't know.
    I may attach the .dll in this thread if there's interest.


    Portal Pro
    December 3, 2009
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    I'm fixing the source ATM. There are a couple of possible failure points.
    After analyzing the code I determined that buffer size doesn't seem to be a problem.
    Expect a patch next week, but when it will be published, I don't know.
    I may attach the .dll in this thread if there's interest.

    Hi! Of course iam interested with this dll! It would be perfect if you post this file so others can test it! Thanx a lot anyway!

    Kristian T

    New Member
    December 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    In my TV-server i can find all IPTV channels but none of them is listen in MP? What could possible be wrong?

    /Kristian T
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