Blurays seem to show so it's something to do with the dvd thing in Moving Pictures I'm guessing? I just finished watching a movie via dvd from Moving Pictures and still shows what I last watched last night lol. Here's a log file.
Sorry for bumping this old thread. But DVDs still don't seem to want to show in "now playing or watched" I think this may be more related to Moving Pictures as the movie(s) do get added to my TrakT library. Here are the complete logs
Please try the attached DLL to see if it fixes the issue with it detecting 'Watching' state of a DVD. Please get back to me ASAP if you want resolution.
If we got back more than one video from the movingpictures database for the movie playing then we disguarded it, for DVDs it must be returning more than one movie object for some reason.
I didn't really debug the issue as I have not tried using a DVD, just took a best guess approach based on your logs. So in the case of DVDs we check the MediaPortal player properties to detect what is playing, in the current version of MovingPictures you are using this relies on the Title and Year but in the next version of MovingPictures (still to be released) it has support for IMDb ID so will be better for matching.
I gotcha. I just checked my library on Trakt and on Army of Darkness it doesn't show as been played/watched. Hmm guess it's not all the way fixed :/ At least it did show up under now watching.
Would need a log to know what happen, its possible movingpictures did not send a complete event.
There is a known issue with ISOs if you watch to completion it doesn't get marked as watched. Possibly the same thing or something different. Have you got the logs still?
From what I can tell from your log, the movie was stopped but movingpictures did not send the event to say it's watched. We rely on that event to determine the watched state from trakt plugin.
You should see "Received Watched event in MovingPictures for movie ..." in trakt log if we receive the event.
When you watched the movie, did you press stop or did you leave it until it ended naturally?
Did MovingPictures increase the watched count? You can check that from the configuration when selecting the movie, there is a counter.