General Talk (4 Viewers)


Portal Member
July 29, 2008
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Sweden Sweden
I have some feedback, I was a devout follower of Oneportal, but I'm not completely sold here yet.
I miss the white, and I miss the cleanness of things..
For me, it's messier and harder to navigate.

I had a lot of input on the moving pictures thumbnail view last time around, any chance of getting a re-haul on that one this time around as well?
Some points that I think can need some improvement:
- The frame around the thumbnails/info, It removes the cleanness of the whole view for me, makes it feel boxed in.
- The font in the top is way to big " Unwatched movies movies" it says for me, but I guess that's my category.
- The BIG bar in the bottom with title, genre and length is to big.
- Only 3 rows with thumbnails (even in small thumbnails)

Suggestion for improvement:
- Remove the frame, hehe. For me, I don't mind it being all black in the background, I don't remember how you had in Oneportal though.
- Make the category text on top smaller, no need for it to take up such a big % of the screen.
- Make the lower bar more more compact as well, as you had in Oneportal.
- Add Rating to the movie info
- With the Text on top being smaller, and the bar in the bottom being more compact, you could easily add another row of thumbnails.

Also, the "Wide banner" view in TVseries is also effected by the frame, and it feels like the banners are to low resolution for how big they are now.
I hope I haven't offended you by speaking my mind :)

Any plans of adding a white version of the skin btw?

Keep up the good work!
Edit: Maybe I should have posted this in the Idea section? :)
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  • January 24, 2012
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    I have some feedback, I was a devout follower of Oneportal, but I'm not completely sold here yet.
    I miss the white, and I miss the cleanness of things..
    For me, it's messier and harder to navigate.

    I had a lot of input on the moving pictures thumbnail view last time around, any chance of getting a re-haul on that one this time around as well?
    Some points that I think can need some improvement:
    - The frame around the thumbnails/info, It removes the cleanness of the whole view for me, makes it feel boxed in.
    - The font in the top is way to big " Unwatched movies movies" it says for me, but I guess that's my category.
    - The BIG bar in the bottom with title, genre and length is to big.
    - Only 3 rows with thumbnails (even in small thumbnails)

    Suggestion for improvement:
    - Remove the frame, hehe. For me, I don't mind it being all black in the background, I don't remember how you had in Oneportal though.
    - Make the category text on top smaller, no need for it to take up such a big % of the screen.
    - Make the lower bar more more compact as well, as you had in Oneportal.
    - Add Rating to the movie info
    - With the Text on top being smaller, and the bar in the bottom being more compact, you could easily add another row of thumbnails.

    Also, the "Wide banner" view in TVseries is also effected by the frame, and it feels like the banners are to low resolution for how big they are now.
    I hope I haven't offended you by speaking my mind :)

    Any plans of adding a white version of the skin btw?

    Keep up the good work!
    Edit: Maybe I should have posted this in the Idea section? :)

    No offence taken but to be honest most of the points you raised are personal preference unfortunately and i can't cater for everyone, don't forget this is a skin designed with what i like in mind and shared out of kindness.

    I have to disagree on it being harder to navigate as the navigation is exactly the same nothing have changed in that respect.
    On your comment of it being messier that may be your perception as i am using all available screen real estate now instead of leaving lot's of space wasted and unused like in oneportal but it is generally much easier to read from your sofa position with the current design.

    Things like the big font at the top for me it's not oversized are you sure you have the correct font installed ? but again personal preference.

    At the end of the day the center background graphic could be removed and thumbs could be adjusted but that is where mods/themes come into play which i encourage anyone to create and share, the only people working on this are myself and ysmp when he has free time so unfortunately we can't create mods/themes as well as build the main skin.
    It's a shame there are not so many users of this skin that they too want to change things to their liking and share what they have but that's just the way it is, you could always take some time to learn the xml and create your own modifications ?

    Edit: A white theme will probably be created eventually but only once plugin support is at a level where most users are happy.


    Portal Member
    July 29, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    Oh, of course, I have never stated anything else than it being more then personal preference, hence my question if you were open with feedback for redesigning some parts that, in my personal opinion, could use some looking in to :)

    Harder to navigate is only I guess what I'm used to :) I like the look of the new home screen, it's really nice in fact! :)

    If it's no hassle for you to make a "less detail" mod for the thumbnail view, feel free, of course. I would be very happy.
    I'm asking since I have no clue how to do it, and learning xml is beyond me :D I've tried, I'm not cut out for it.

    I'm mainly asking due to One Portal not being available anymore, I was happy with the skin, but it stopped working when I updated to 1.6 :) and I can't seem to be able to install it again.

    Cheers man!
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  • January 24, 2012
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    I'm sure once plugin support is up to scratch ( that's the main focus now really for me apart from some other small things like volume osd etc ) i will get bored or have other ideas and will start creating mods/themes for it, but again i really hope other people start creating their own mods and sharing them even creating their own tiles and sharing those !
    You never know you may see a less details mod from thumbnails view sooner than you think ;)

    Oh and if your covers/thumbnails etc look pixelated in any way you probably need to configure plugins like moving pictures etc to download higher quality images or change your minimum sizes.
    Oneportal only works up to 1.5 i think as i can't maintain two versions which are technically the same skin :)


    Portal Member
    July 29, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    Yeah, I could see this turning in to something I'm more used to!

    Just to be not be such a stuck up. IF I where to manage to edit some settings myself, could you point me in the right direction? for instance, what XML to start edit for my views on the small thumbnail look? :)

    I will take a look at the thumbs!

    You wouldn't happen to have any of the screenshots we shared in the old thread from the 'less details mod' from Oneportal?

    The version of Oneportal you have in the archive, is it possible to get that running by changing the supported version in .xml, so I can check the views there?
    Or hm, I couldn't even install it now, since they are, as you say, technically the same skin :)
    I guess it needs to be compiled into it's own entity for that.



    Retired Team Member
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  • January 24, 2012
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    Sure happy to help anyone who wants to dabble into skins themselves, for moving pictures thumbs view you need to look in movingpictures.facade.xml that is where the views are housed.
    Screenshots i will have to have a look when i get home later today.
    Only only you could do with oneportal is extract the folder out of the mpei and place it in your skin directory manually, easiest way would be to install it on a virtual machine with 1.4/1.5 installed then take a copy of the skin folder.;)


    Portal Member
    July 29, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    I could probably just install 1.5 on my stationary PC and do the same and copy it to the HTPC I guess! :)
    That's clever.
    And then I guess I can just change the version supported in the XML?

    But I will try to take a look at the facade.xml later tonight, to see how much I will fail ;)

    Thanks man.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 24, 2012
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    You should not need to change anything for version unless the skin engine number has been bumped i can't remember when that last happened but that is in skinsettings.xml, the reason it won't install from mpei is a dependancy in the install that's all.


    Portal Member
    July 29, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    I've actually made som progress, hehe.
    This is where I'm at:

    As you can see, I've added one more lane of movies, removed the Title, and removed the bar in the background.

    What I'm trying to do now, is reformating the Title line, I'm in movingpictures.xml, and the only thing I can find that resembles this is :
    But changing that doesn't change the title set at all, Trying to push it down, and last thing would be to add the rating.

    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


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