Global Music Search v2.0.0 [2014-02-19] (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 2, 2008
Heh, my bad... SORRY! :oops:

No my skin was not propertly linked to Globalsearch, it was only using the default search. Didn't know it was another screen to be used with globalsearch. I tried some other skin to but I guess they wasnt propertly linked to globalsearch either!! :p

Thanx... Now its working very good! :)

Now some other question/feature requests...

#1. Is it possible to integrate the search fields in the default music view? Like when pressing SEARCH it will bring you the search field in the music view?

#2. When you find your music and select it, it will bring you to another view "detailview". I would like it to PLAY instead of detailview.

#3. It would have been nice to have global search to really be a GLOBAL SEARCH! With that I mean like have a search button in main menu. With possibility to search for Music, Photos and Videos.

#4. Real Time search, no need to press DONE when enter a word. Simply just press B and it will filters everything with a "B". Then press A, it will filters everything with "BA". Then press D, it will filters everything with "BAD". And so on...

Just thoughts and ideas to improve an already very good plugin, that surely should be a STANDARD function in MP!

Thanx for a GREAT plugin.. :D


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    #1 is within MP since ages. We detect if GlobalSearch is installed and replace the default Search button with GlobalSearch functionality. It stopped working, when the plugin author renamed the plugin, but with 1.1 it is enabled again.


    MP Donator
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  • January 16, 2007
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    layout problems with blue3wide

    Hello everyone,

    I am having layout problems using blue3wide. Searching works well as does the presentation of the search results. However the page where one can choose between "play now" "play next" etc is totally messed up taking just the top-left quarter of the screen.
    Did I misconfigure the plugin? I believe that the mpi installation said that blue3wide was supported...

    Is there a way to rename the plugin?

    OK, I never noticed a "search" button in blue3wide. Where is it? is it reachable via IR remote? I really missed that...

    Thanks a lot and Cheers!


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    i can't remember anymore, but either the mpi or the zip file has this messed up layout. if you installed the mpi, then use the zip or other way around and it'll work.

    the search button is part of the menu within MyMusic, but only if you are in a database view mode. if you are in shares view, the button is missing, cause tere#s nothing to search in this mode.


    MP Donator
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  • January 16, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    I did installthe MPI version. Unfortunately I can't uninstall it, I get "Invalid package" from the packagers uninstallation routine.
    I tried to copy over the files from the zip-file but no luck. the messed up layout is still there.
    Any hints?

    This is for sure the MOST USEFULL plugin for MP.


    Portal Member
    November 17, 2009
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Hello, thanks for this great plugin it was just what i needed to satisfie my needs with the music play. I am however having some troubles.

    When i try searching for some artists or songs they wont show up even though im sure everything is spelled correctly, and is using the contains method (i guess it just searches the string if it contains part of what im searching for. fx. if i wrote "Elv" i would get every song containing that, and i would get the Elvis songs i was looking for)

    When i try to search for Coldplay i get nothing, even though they are located in /Music/Coldplay (/music being my library folder) i can get whatever Muse im looking for if i just write Muse in the search field, and they are located in /music/muse/album.

    I have tested the coldplay files with media player, and they do have the right description, so why is global search disregarding them?

    Thanks in advance.


    Portal Pro
    March 21, 2008
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Hello, thanks for this great plugin it was just what i needed to satisfie my needs with the music play. I am however having some troubles.

    When i try searching for some artists or songs they wont show up even though im sure everything is spelled correctly, and is using the contains method (i guess it just searches the string if it contains part of what im searching for. fx. if i wrote "Elv" i would get every song containing that, and i would get the Elvis songs i was looking for)

    When i try to search for Coldplay i get nothing, even though they are located in /Music/Coldplay (/music being my library folder) i can get whatever Muse im looking for if i just write Muse in the search field, and they are located in /music/muse/album.

    I have tested the coldplay files with media player, and they do have the right description, so why is global search disregarding them?

    Thanks in advance.

    If you try to browse the Coldplay folder with mediaportal, and then play a song, try to go back and search for coldplay! I would asume that it is working. It does for me, and I have the exact same issues as you, and have not been able to solve them.

    removing the cue files solved the problem.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    you maybe should rescan your shares. seems Coldplay is not in the Music Database yet.

    If after a rescan it still not shows up, then you should see some errors in the Configuration.log, which i would like to see.


    Portal Pro
    March 21, 2008
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Rescan is not working for me. Have tried at least 10 times. No luck. Although it says that the music DB is updated and xxx number of files have been found.

    I can first find the files with the search after I have browsed / played the directory which is quite strange!

    I will try to check the log file to see if gives me anything.

    removing the cue files solved the problem.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    This is defintley strange.
    i asume that you have ticked the option "Use ID3 tags / autoadd files to music database", which does the same thing as if you rescan the lib.

    probably you have set the option "Only update new/changed files" in Music Database in config. And as your files haven't changed, they are not picked up by rescan.

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