Na jo ....The bitstreaming option didn't work, i believe if you choose bitstreaming with LAV decoder, you shouldn't be then using Mediaportal audio renderer ?
exactly, because MPAR tries to resample the audiostream, and it is not possible for bitstreaming.if you choose bitstreaming with LAV decoder, you shouldn't be then using Mediaportal audio renderer ?
Hm - What did I miss - isn't the outcome the same?Read my post on aac 2 pages back. Also you don't need to bitstream 7.1 you can decode to pcm 7.1 as long as you have tge dtsdecoderdll.dll from arcsoft. Info is on the guide. Lav can't decide dtshd without this file
Read my post on aac 2 pages back. Also you don't need to bitstream 7.1 you can decode to pcm 7.1 as long as you have tge dtsdecoderdll.dll from arcsoft. Info is on the guide. Lav can't decide dtshd without this file