Do you have a remote with the 4 colored butons? If so, the red button should take you back to fullscreen. Some others skins do allow the box to be selected with arrows and then OK will also take to fullscreen.
Keyboard x, or remotes red button, they are the only 2 ways of getting fullscreen viz, and of course these apply to all minimized screens throughout MP.
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do something, but it would be 10's of seconds before the action happened. Doing an Alt-Tab would flush the actions. Too weird lol!!
So, with some flak from the family, I had to give in. I just did a...
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do...
So, this one has me quite stumped.
Have tried ) and a few things - driver updates, kicking the box, threatening it with a static...
When my AVR bit the dust recently I took the opportunity to upgrade my projector to an LS11000 to gain 4K. Install went fine until I switched to my HTPC which is my primary source. When I switch to the HTPC the screen goes blank for a long time and then I have sound, no picture, and in the lower left hand corner:
"Source: HDMI 1
When my AVR bit the dust recently I took the opportunity to upgrade my projector to an LS11000 to gain 4K. Install went fine until...
When my AVR bit the dust recently I took the opportunity to upgrade my projector to an LS11000 to gain 4K. Install went fine until...
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set top box into Mediaportal needs replaced with a different solution.
I currently have HDMI from the STB to the colossus. Mediaportal is controlling the STB through a USBUIRT blaster and the blaster is...
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set...
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set...
I also have never used a set-top box with MP, but I think that you need to use an IR emitter (aka "IR blaster"). The IRSS software controls the emitter, and transmits IR signals under the direction of MP. The IR signal is received by the IR receiver within the set-top box, and so can be used to change channel and so on. The set-top...
I also have never used a set-top box with MP, but I think that you need to use an IR emitter (aka "IR blaster"). The IRSS software...
My computer is running Windows 10 Pro. I have installed MP2. Not sure what version.
I have a Hauppauge WinTV 1850 TV card...