How Milkdrop2 works on RC1 (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
August 8, 2007
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New Zealand New Zealand
Running the latest drivers on your video card? Does Milkdrop work using regular Winamp?


Milk2 >= 2.0c steht in abhängigkeit zur nscrt.dll
nscrt.dll muss sich im Pfad der Hauptanwendung befinden.

Milk2 >= 2.0c is addiction to nscrt.dll
nscrt.dll must be in the path of the main application.

Unless Milk2.ini is in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\plugins then MP does not read it.

MP do nothing with any config of Plugins.
Only the plugin self work with it..
MP has no influence on how the INI files to be read


Running the latest drivers on your video card? Does Milkdrop work using regular Winamp?

i think not.


Additional Info

end else if LParam = IPC_GETINIFILE then
FileP := pAnsiChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'Plugins\plugin.ini');
Result := integer(FileP);

any plugin like Milk2 send a message IPC_GETINIFILE in my winproc
and my wrapper send as result back to the plugin this Path
ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'Plugins\plugin.ini'
also any plugin not found the INIFile when use a bad path like this

C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\plugins
ExtractFilePath is the path where the EXE File stored from MP



Portal Pro
March 3, 2005
Cambridge, UK
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United Kingdom United Kingdom

Many thanks for taking the time to help me out here.

My graphics card is a Radeon 4550 of recent purchase. Drivers are very recent catalyst 9.2 (or 9.3) -will check. Radeon cards are fairly common so hopefully should be OK with milkdrop.

Winamp works fine with milkdrop - in fact last week I spent many hours using it to filter out the preset files which I liked (geiss type ones) from those that I dont. Hopefully culling loads of presets and textures isn't the cause of instability????? Does it expect a particular set of presets/textures to be present when it initiallises????

It certainly worked flawlessly for many hours in winamp and I was also using the milkdrop menu to display name of preset etc.. I was using it in windowed mode though (so I could delete unpleasant presets using windows explorer). I will try this eve to check MD runs full screen in winamp.

I cant comment about which file should go where in the MP directory tree or which bit reads which file - I'll just do what you guys advise. Am happy to check out whatever you think best and will report back to provide feedback etc.

Could I be missing some key step in my config? I really did just clean install MP1.0.1. Other than set MD full screen res in MP config and copy milk2.ini to the plugins and plugins/plugins dir I did no other mods. All files will be otherwise wherever the MP installer put them.



Portal Pro
March 3, 2005
Cambridge, UK
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Have checked home config.

Am using Radeon Catalyst 9.3

Winamp runs Milkdrop perfectly. I have set it to start full screen at 1280x720@50Hz.

When the vis is started from winamp the screen res is cleanly switched to 1280x720p and the viz plays fine.

I'll try and post a file showing how MP has set up the directory tree etc. In case I have got misplaced files.



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    Have checked home config.

    Am using Radeon Catalyst 9.3

    Winamp runs Milkdrop perfectly. I have set it to start full screen at 1280x720@50Hz.

    When the vis is started from winamp the screen res is cleanly switched to 1280x720p and the viz plays fine.

    I'll try and post a file showing how MP has set up the directory tree etc. In case I have got misplaced files.


    Please delete any files related to Milkdrop and try using the files from this link -->
    Just extract the archive in MP folder...and dont set Md to start in fullscreen (when u press "X" in MP will switch to fullscreen)


    Portal Pro
    March 3, 2005
    Cambridge, UK
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Many thanks for the links.

    I have installed the sonique visualisations and changed the milkdrop files to version 2.1.

    I now find that milkdrop works without crashing the MP app on startup. This is even with the milk2.ini file in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\plugins. So if milk2.ini is supposed to be in this dir also then I suppose that is an improvement.


    milkdrop is still running in fake fullscreen mode (i.e. it is not switching resolution to what is specified in the MP MD config). I have followed your advice of NOT telling MD to start in fullscreen mode.

    What is interesting - following Bassfan's advice to check that MD runs properly under winamp.exe - is that If I tell milkdrop to run in full screen mode at 1920x1080p 50Hz with 25fps target in winamp then the viz has no sign of tearing and even at this high screen res the viz is fluid and smooth. Maybe a tad slower than at lower res but still very fine.

    The reason I originally started to try to get MD to run at lower res in MP is that in MP when running at 1920x1080p there is extensive tearing. I suspected that if I can get MD to run at lower res then tearing would not happen.

    Not sure why there would be a difference. Dont really know how this stuff works but I have checked the behaviour and am sure that is what my system is doing.

    Given MD in winamp works perfectly it might be that MP needs further tweaking.



    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands

    Have checked home config.

    Am using Radeon Catalyst 9.3

    Winamp runs Milkdrop perfectly. I have set it to start full screen at 1280x720@50Hz.

    When the vis is started from winamp the screen res is cleanly switched to 1280x720p and the viz plays fine.

    I'll try and post a file showing how MP has set up the directory tree etc. In case I have got misplaced files.


    Please delete any files related to Milkdrop and try using the files from this link -->
    Just extract the archive in MP folder...and dont set Md to start in fullscreen (when u press "X" in MP will switch to fullscreen)

    I also wanted Milkdrop in MP. I installed the files from the link in the quote. Then in MP Settings I choose Milkdrop and pressed Config and checked the resolution, it was already set to 1360x768.

    When I start MP and play a song, I get to see Milkdrop (small one in the MP screen). I didn't know how to get fullscreen (have to press "X"...) so I simply choose a different song, now I don't see Milkdrop! Also when there is album art, in the part where I expect to see Milkdrop I see album art (so album art doesn't only take up half my screen but also the small "mp notification" area.
    Perhaps this is a StreamedMP issue? Will post this there.

    EDIT: this HAS to be a skin issue, Milkdrop works GREAT!
    reason: even if I don't see Milkdrop in MP for a lot of songs, when I press "X" I ALWAYS get to see Milkdrop fullscreen and it looks fantastic!
    When I press ESC I go back to MP flawlessly. I don't see Milkdrop in MP. But for some songs I do so I think the skin thinks it has to show Album Art for some songs (perhaps the ID3 tag says there is art but the art is not embedded somehow).

    Pressing X again brings me back to fullscreen Milkdrop!


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2009
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    United States of America United States of America
    I can confirm some things:
    * if installed properly, when you configure milkdrop from within mediaportal's config program, the milk2.ini file will be created in:
    "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MusicPlayer\plugins\winamp\"

    * but... MEDIA PORTAL and/or MilkDrop *WILL NOT* read milk2.ini from there!

    * mediaportal and/or milkdrop needs the milk2.ini in the following location:
    "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\plugins\"

    * yes, the folder is "plugins\plugins\".

    * that directory won't exist (or at least didn't exist on my setup). you will need to create the folder "plugins" yourself in the "plugins" folder.

    * after you configure milkdrop from within media portal's config, you will need to copy (not move) the milk2.ini to the other location.

    * leave the milk2.ini in its original location so milkdrop can read those settings when you configure it.

    * when properly configured, there will be two items on your taskbar when playing a song: media portal and milkdrop.

    * to use keyboard commands to control milkdrop, make sure milkdrop is the active window on the taskbar - not media portal.

    * F5 will show you milkdrop's frame rate (handy for testing your config).

    * milkdrop gets much better framerate when media portal is the active window on the taskbar - NOT milkdrop itself.

    * milkdrop seems to integrate best with mediaportal when both "Fullscreen" and "desktop mode" are UN-checked from the "common settings" tab of the milkdrop config.

    * milk2.ini needs to be re-copied to "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\plugins\" after every change to milkdrop - don't forget that!

    right now, i'm trying to figure out how to get the best framerate when neither media portal nor milkdrop is the active window on the taskbar. when media portal is active window, i get about 30 frames per second. when media portal isn't the active window, i get awful 10 fps.


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2009
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    anyone know how to get the milkdrop v.j. mode to work?

    or how to at least control the pre-sets through mediaportal?

    at minimum, i'd like to be able to go back and forth between presets using my remote.


    Portal Pro
    July 6, 2008

    Have checked home config.

    Am using Radeon Catalyst 9.3

    Winamp runs Milkdrop perfectly. I have set it to start full screen at 1280x720@50Hz.

    When the vis is started from winamp the screen res is cleanly switched to 1280x720p and the viz plays fine.

    I'll try and post a file showing how MP has set up the directory tree etc. In case I have got misplaced files.


    Please delete any files related to Milkdrop and try using the files from this link -->
    Just extract the archive in MP folder...and dont set Md to start in fullscreen (when u press "X" in MP will switch to fullscreen)

    How can I make it go fullscreen using a Windows Media Remote?

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