How to: use DD Octopus Net in MP (2 Viewers)


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  • July 25, 2010
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    I don't quite agree. To be clear, the fact that the channel is in the PAT and SDT means that it would be found even if the PMT PID is blocked. If you were to allow only the PAT and correct PMT PID then you would get one channel... but it would have no name and EPG might not work.
    I know what you're talking about :)
    But as assumed from you, without all three PIDs (16,17,18) EPG won't work :)

    Right now this is pretty much the only way that the ONet (or any other SAT/CABLE>IP tuner will work with TV Server without code changes.
    I tested it and can confirm that it is working this way! (see attached m3u file for UM).
    So you get EPG and all channels + all names, like with normal DVB-C.
    Also the scanning time improved dramatically. Disadvantage: High bandwidth usage, but with todays GBit LAN that shouldn't matter that much :)

    Important note: channel movement detection has to be activated!

    My approach is not to claim that hardware is supported until it works properly and that is why I previously said the ONet is not yet supported...
    I understand and agree :)
    The aim of this thread is not to claim that it is 100% working, it should be more of an help for users to get a temporary solution. I got PM's from around 3 users so I thought this is a step in the right direction... (also DD got some mails) So sorry if you might disagree here :(
    The ground idea came from this thread:ür-unitymedia.121216/
    and as Jörg scanned the UM Network on my machine and translated the .csv files from TransEdit in m3u files for the Onet, the idea was born to add an button to this program for MP and publish it.
    But than we found out that EPG doesn't work, to make a long story short.
    I tested it only with two channels for faster scanning, it was working, but than mightydetaile noted that it isn't working with all channels. And now we are here and it is working with your suggestion "pids=all".


    • Octopus Net.rar
      394 bytes


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    my question is why the way over directshow and not as own sat>ip tv server plugin where the user can make a channel scan and the scan results goes to the tve DB

    @mm1352000 what think you to this way ?
    DirectShow is a reasonable way to support streaming on Windows. Also, we already have TsWriter for "inband" SI and EPG parsing (and as far as I know SAT>IP does not have alternate ways to get the channel list and EPG), so it seems sensible to go in that direction. From my perspective the main issue is lack of support the SAT>IP protocol by the IPTV source and/or TV library. These are things that can (and will eventually) be fixed.


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  • July 18, 2006
    Germany - Bonn
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    that is the Problem the playlist why not use the scan Option with a frequency list and the results are stored in the db

    the scan can be look like

    First tune the Transponder with PMT
    then add pids one by one
    if the data received stored it into db and delete the pids
    and tune the next Transponder

    later in the Client
    User select channel fill the Setup request with data from the selected channel
    send Play with addpids " EIT SDT NIT "
    if data received
    send Play with delpids=EIT,SDT,NIT
    send Play with addpids= "PMT AUDIO VIDEO ..."

    so Need you no Playlist
    this is what i mean with a own sat>ip tv Server plugin


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  • July 25, 2010
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    yes that would work :)
    But I think that is not what mm has in mind. Quite some time ago he wrote about the fact that a lot of users think the MP-TvServer is to complicated and that he wants to make it more "out of the box" without all different things scattered over a lot places. Especially with the current scanning approach he is unhappy.

    But if you want to write such a plugin, we would be happy anyway :)

    later in the Client User select channel fill the Setup request with data from the selected channel send Play with addpids " EIT SDT NIT " if data received send Play with delpids=EIT,SDT,NIT send Play with addpids= "PMT AUDIO VIDEO ..."
    this way wouldn't work, because the current RTSP Implementation just doesn't support addpids and delpids :/ And on each channel change you have to rebuild the Directshow Graph.
    But mm said that would be changeable.
    So during the scanning with the plugin you would have to build the proper URLs and insert these in the DB.

    mm if I should be wrong please be so kind and correct me :)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    you Need no rtsp directshow filter( can you see in my Project) only a "mpeg ts over rtp" source
    to parse all the things
    The IPTV filter is (among other things) an RTP source filter for MPEG TS... but it also supports RTSP so I think it might be simpler to use that than send RTSP commands from the TV library.


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  • July 25, 2010
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    you Need no rtsp directshow filter( can you see in my Project) only a "mpeg ts over rtp" source to parse all the things
    Sure, you are right here!
    But that would result in duplicated code, and it would be hard to start a recording from within EPG.
    As mm already stated here:

    DirectShow is a reasonable way to support streaming on Windows. Also, we already have TsWriter for "inband" SI and EPG parsing (and as far as I know SAT>IP does not have alternate ways to get the channel list and EPG), so it seems sensible to go in that direction.
    So we have a filter for RTSP and we get all the rest (EPG, recording management, timeshift) for free :)
    At least the device detection is also a little bit of effort...

    From my reading of all the discussions this is waht would have to be done:
    - implement SAT>IP into the IP-Tv filter
    - make MP able to switch channels without rebuilding the directshow graph
    - get the device detection working
    Sound less, but I think it is more work than it sounds, I tried it already myself and didn't got very far :/


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    mm was faster :p

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