It's getting weirder.....
If I remove all the IP cards in the TVServer setup and then add them back I can scan the M3u and tune the stations but if I rescan it on the same card it just keeps updating the 1 channel. My brain is melting.........
It's getting weirder.....
If I remove all the IP cards in the TVServer setup and then add them back I can scan the M3u and tune the...
Having great fun with this still. I have a fairly good PC setup, Ryzen 5 8500g, Msi Pro 650M-P with 32GB of RAM with a TBS 6281 and...
I agree about the dash instead of colon on the LIVE thing.
I did a little change to get the current program, just removed the D from the tags. Not that important, so I dont upload any new file.
A little sad about the end time, but nothing to do about it.
I agree about the dash instead of colon on the LIVE thing.
I did a little change to get the current program, just removed the D...
I'm trying to develop a new WebEPG grabber for sweden, but I got a few problem in parsing the html-file to get all programs.
I also have never used a set-top box with MP, but I think that you need to use an IR emitter (aka "IR blaster"). The IRSS software controls the emitter, and transmits IR signals under the direction of MP. The IR signal is received by the IR receiver within the set-top box, and so can be used to change channel and so on. The set-top...
I also have never used a set-top box with MP, but I think that you need to use an IR emitter (aka "IR blaster"). The IRSS software...
My computer is running Windows 10 Pro. I have installed MP2. Not sure what version.
I have a Hauppauge WinTV 1850 TV card...
Good to hear you got it working.(y)
I have attached a screenshot of my Power Scheduler settings and, yes my TV does stay off when a scheduled recording starts.
Regarding the monitor sleeping when playing music, if the screensaver option is set in your MP skin settings try disabling it, I have a vague recollection it may get...
Good to hear you got it working.(y)
I have attached a screenshot of my Power Scheduler settings and, yes my TV does stay off when...
Hi, everytime my computer awakes for scheduled recordings, the monitor awake too and does not switch of during the whole recording...
Look for all GUI Exif properties: MediaPortal-1/mediaportal/Core/Util/ExifExtensions.cs at 58c955866fb54a8c293afe525862bbb50c8f7b28 · MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1
Look for all GUI Exif properties: MediaPortal-1/mediaportal/Core/Util/ExifExtensions.cs at 58c955866fb54a8c293afe525862bbb50c8f7b28...
I would like one of the above IPTC metadata fields to display when viewing pictures in MP. I don't really care which, as I can...