HTPCInfo plugin v1.15.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 24, 2009
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South Africa South Africa
Almost their

Hi catavolt,
please check, if you had copied all required libraries (htpcinfo.dll, SpeedfanConnector.dll and NTPConnector.dll) to your existing plugin folder.
If this not works, I need your current MediaPortal version and a excerpt from the last log file. Only then I have the chance to check, which exception does not handled correctly on your specific HTPC configuration, thx.

Cheers, Micropolis ;-)

Firstly, this looks like an awsome plugin for mediaportal and everyone else.....if only I could get it to work! I am sure I have narrowed it down and hope that you and the forum can help me please? I will list what I have done so far and hope there is enough info to diagnose the problem.

I am using Mediaportal svn 23491 (without TV Server), XFactor 396, Speedfan 4.39 and HTPCInfo 0.8 on Windows 7(x64) with UAC turned off. The problem seems to be the SpeedfanConnector.dll and NTPConnector.dll seem not to install. Have you or any one reading this had the same problem? Also if anyone has it running on Windows 7(x64) I will gladly accept tips to sort this out.

I have turned UAC off.
Tried different versions of speedfan
Installed Speedfan in Windows XP sp2 mode.
WMI is turned on

Thanks in advance.

Thanks again


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

Hi RivaSA,
the described libraries does not longer needed since v0.8.0 (see release notes here). If you have the HTPCInfo.dll and HTPCInfo.Core.dll, all is fine.
But I can read in your mail, that TVServer is not installed in your system. To run this plugin properly, 2 dynamic libraries from TVServer are required, see here. Please copy this libraries into your MediaPortal installation directory and try again.

Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


Portal Member
June 24, 2009
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
That was quick, awsome response and thanks. A real must ahve add on for me.

Thanks again

"Getting it on like Donkey Kong!" great. Now a skinning problem everything in Blue 3 but blaaaa in Blue3Wide and Xfactor. Thanks again for quick repspons, now off to post skinning question.



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  • May 23, 2007
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    Hello Micropolis,

    this plugin looks like sth that I was searching for for a while already. One feature question: Is it feasible to display a CPU usage graph like the one in the windows task manager/process monitor?

    Background: Sometimes e.g. when playing back some 1080p files I'm wondering whether DXVA was active or not and whether the CPU load was at the limit or not (and possibly is the reason for some stuttering). Until now I did the playback test, stopped it and then switched manually to the windows task manager. It would be nice-to-have to be able to have this information integrated in MP/in this plugin. I don't expect it in the video playback OSD menu (that would be luxury) but just as additional/optional gauge in the details page of Your plugin.

    regards from Stuttgart


    Portal Member
    November 18, 2009
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Hello Micropolis

    Thanks for the wonderful plugin!

    I have too issue in getting the information displayed.

    My system is a MacMini with Win7 64 bit and MP 1.0.2.

    HTPCInfo output:

    SpeedFan configuration:

    HTPCInfo configuration:

    Thanks again! :)


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    Hello stepir,
    actually I'm on a longer business trip and have no possibilities to work on my development machine.
    If I take a look to your screenshots, it seems that your Windows internal Performance Counters and WMI functionalities are not properly working / disabled. To solve the problem, please check your services, registry settings and try 3rd party applications, if it is possible to display these specific informations on your hardware configuration.

    • check, if "Windows Management Instrumentation" is running

    Performance Counter
    • run regedit, perform a search on the string "Disable Performance Counters", set the value to 0, continue search and repeat these steps until done
    • try the HTPCInfo diagnostic tool and tell me, if the applications crashed (i need the latest successful step number)

    Speedfan Configuration
    • If you set "speaking names" in the configuration, you must rename the properties also.
    • If you e.g. enter "temp" in the 1st field, you must use #HTPCInfo.SensorTemperaturetemp. Please correct this in your skin file.

    I hope, there is more time at next weekend. Sorry for waiting, but my job (and my customer) has actual more priority.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Portal Member
    November 18, 2009
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Hello Micropolis

    Thanks and of course work come first :)

    - WMI is enabled and started

    - Just had two occurrences in my registry, both are now set to 0

    - Diagnostic tool unfortunately crash immediately

    - Just renamed the sensor in speed fan to 0,1,2,3 and now the General page of HTPCInfo show the temperatures in the sensors info section!

    All the rest is unchanged and still like in the above screenshots.

    Thanks again and cheers



    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.8.0

    Dear stepir, vl002001 and all other users with problems according Performance Counter and WMI access,
    attached you can find a test release of HTPCInfo with extended error reporting. Please copy these files into your MediaPortal Plugins directory and check your system configuration in the following way:

    Performance Counter
    • start the diagnostic tool and explain, which checks in step 3 does not display any or bad results
    • start MediaPortal, open the HTPCInfo window and check, which performance informations are missing
    • make a backup of your latest mediaportal.log
    • open the "Reliability and Performance Monitor" (see administrative tools), press the green plus symbol (or press Ctrl+I) and make screenshots/lists, which entries are displayed in section "ProcessorPerformance", "Logical Disk", "Memory" and "Network Interface"
    • check windows event log for errors

    • start MediaPortal, open the HTPCInfo window and explain, which informations are not available
    • start the WMI Management Tool (wmimgmt.msc), open properties for your local computer and check, if the service is able to display WMI related informations
    • install a 3rd party tool to display WMI related informations (e.g. WMI Explorer) and explain, if the tool can properly display all informations
    • read this article and try the described solution
    • check windows event log for errors

    Collect all described results/informations/log files and post this here. Currently, I can only guess where the problem might be. Should I not get enough support from users, it is difficult or impossible to recreate the problem/error.
    Please send also a feedback and a small description, if your problem is solved now or if you've found another solution, thx.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    HTPCInfo v0.8.0 for MediaPortal

    Hello Micropolis,

    this plugin looks like sth that I was searching for for a while already. One feature question: Is it feasible to display a CPU usage graph like the one in the windows task manager/process monitor?

    Background: Sometimes e.g. when playing back some 1080p files I'm wondering whether DXVA was active or not and whether the CPU load was at the limit or not (and possibly is the reason for some stuttering). Until now I did the playback test, stopped it and then switched manually to the windows task manager. It would be nice-to-have to be able to have this information integrated in MP/in this plugin. I don't expect it in the video playback OSD menu (that would be luxury) but just as additional/optional gauge in the details page of Your plugin.

    regards from Stuttgart

    Hello milagroso,
    in the hectic of last few days, I forgot to send you an answer to your question, sorry for this.
    Of course it is possible to develop an appropriate performance monitor. In the last month I've made some experiments with this, but I must realized, that a graphical version of this (and the required background activities) needs a lot of CPU power. Basically, MediaPortal is a multimedia application and these functionalities had more priority. Because of this, I rejected this idea.
    Another idea was to collect CPU usage, main memory usage and page file usage informations for a defined time range (e.g. 5 minutes), calculate an average and display this using a text property and/or gauge.
    Could this be useful for you? If yes, it is possible to implement this appropriate functionality for the next major release.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)

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