IMON IRSS Version (no official version) (5 Viewers)


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  • November 9, 2008
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    mhm over 200 downloads now - and only one thanks :) and nearly no response if it works or not :-( i also like to hear from people that it works...

    For me it's working almost perfect! :)
    Sometimes, the display "freezes" when the pc goes in standy and after resume it seems that its not reinitialized correctly and so the remote is not working. But thats very very rarely.

    Many :D for your work!!!


    MP Donator
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  • May 14, 2008
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    i didn't mean you - i mean all the other people who downloaded and don't write anything...


    Portal Member
    September 29, 2008
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    Belgium Belgium
    hi, went also on holyday. i will try to restore an image of the mediaserver before messing into the remote and display settings. after that i will install the tool, an try to run it. if it worked for all of you, then it should work for me too.

    @ disaster123 and Kroetenzaun: did the display plugin worked after all?

    thanks for the effort


    Portal Pro
    May 26, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey Disaster will definitely tell you how things go.. Have not been toying with MP for a while. Been waiting for a stable 1.1 release.. Um know it's off subject but will you be recompiling your Disaster release of MP based on the latest SVN. Thanks man..


    Portal Pro
    August 4, 2005
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    Austria Austria
    hi disaster,

    just tried to get your IRSS verison working, as I'd like to get rid of the imon software (as it's a resource hog).
    yes - i know; you'd like to get feedback from those who got the thing working fine - but i didn't made it so far.

    imon software is installed, but not running.
    imon IR receiver is an OEM version (integrated in my "antec fusion remote" case) - the remote is the imon pad version.

    normally the remote's pad does work like a mouse/track-pad; or as cursor keys in keyboard mode.
    after i installed your IRSS version, configuring it and configuring the MP plugin, nothing changed. the remote does act like i'd never installed IRSS.

    it seems that the IR server doesn't recieve any command from the remote.

    [sorry - needed to split post - wasn't possible to post full text]

    (but - as mentioned - windows does 'kick' the cursor, if i hit the remote's pad). i started the IRSS debug client, connected successfully and hit some keys on the remote - nothing appeard in the log screen. then i fired up the virtual remote. the virtual remote's key strokes are bein reconized fine.

    whilst checking the logs i found an entry (within the iMonHidReceiver.log) saying, that the device coudln't be opened/started (see logs below).

    do you have ANY clue what went wrong?


    IR Server.log:
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.296875 - Log Opened
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.296875 - IR Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=dc0b77bf2c754d95
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.312500 - Info: Starting IR Server ...

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.375000 - Warn: No transmit plugin loaded
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.390625 - Info: Started in Server Mode
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Error: Failed to start receive plugin: "iMon USB"
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Error: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Failed to get open device
    bei IRServer.Plugin.iMonUSBReceivers.Start_HID()
    bei IRServer.Plugin.iMonUSBReceivers.Start()
    bei IRServer.IRServer.OnStart(String[] args)
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.437500 - Info: Receiver plugin started: "Windows Messages"
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.437500 - Info: IR Server started

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.406250 - Start()
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.406250 - Start(): DeviceDriverMode = HID
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.406250 - KilliMonManager()
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.406250 - KilliMonManager(): iMon Manager not running
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.406250 - KilliMonManager(): completed
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.406250 - Start(): Starting HID device
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Start_HID()
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - LoadSettings()

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): searching for 3 devices
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): checking device "\??\HID#Vid_15c2&Pid_0038&MI_01#7&3a19b1d3&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Found device "Vid_15c2&Pid_0038&MI_01"
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Found iMon Remote device2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): checking device "\??

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Found device "Vid_15c2&Pid_0038&MI_00&Col02"
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Found iMon Keyboard device
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): checking device "\??

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Found device "Vid_15c2&Pid_0038&MI_00&Col01"
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Found iMon Mouse device
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): checking device "\??\HID#Vid_046d&Pid_c512&MI_01&Col04#7&3b8f21ce&1&0003#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}"
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): checking device "\??

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): checking device "\??

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): checking device "\??\HID#Vid_046d&Pid_c512&MI_00#7&29640c62&1&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}"

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Found 3 Devices
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Added iMon Remote device as deviceTree[0]
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Added iMon Keyboard device as deviceTree[1]
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - FindDevices_HID(): Added iMon Mouse device as deviceTree[2]
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Remote Usage: 1
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Remote UsagePage: 65484
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Remote Repeat Delay: 400
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Remote Held Delay: 250
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 -
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Keyboard Usage: 6
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Keyboard UsagePage: 1
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Keyboard Repeat Delay: 350
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Keyboard Held Delay: 0

    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 -
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Mouse Usage: 2
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Mouse UsagePage: 1
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Mouse Sensitivity: 1
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 -
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Configured Hardware Mode: iMON
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Configured Remote MouseStick Mode: Keyboard
    2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Using Remote MouseStick Mode: Keyboard2009-09-19 16:31:29.421875 - Start_HID(): Failed to get open device


    Portal Member
    August 11, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi disaster,

    I'm having the same issue as madmat, the IRSS doesn't seem to receive any commands. Tried the "Translator" program to map keys in Windows and only receive a Timeout message when being prompted to press the remote key. I am using a Silverstone LC16 with integrated VFD and am running the lastest iMon version 7.63.0831 and firmware 0x360201.

    Any idea?



    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Stef - i was using same setup

    load IR server config, allow it to restart, then close it from tray
    see if that helps


    Portal Member
    February 5, 2008

    First of all. Thx for taking the time to creat a plugin like this. However, i can't seem to get it to work.

    I have an Antec Fusion V2 chassi with VFD and built in receiver. I run MP 1.1 Beta on Win7 x64. My chassi didn't come with a remote, so im using a generic MCE remote that i bought with a standalone USB receiver, however i don't want to use that receiver for several reasons.

    My problem is that MP don't recognize any button presses what so ever from the remote and I honestly dodn't know what the problem can be. I include the logs so that you can take a look and see if you can spot any problems.

    Thx again for taking the time!

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