initial support for Hauppuage HD-PVR (18 Viewers)


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  • April 4, 2006
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    in general the HDPVR should work with the latest public build, because the general issue with analog cards like the HDPVR was fixed in this build.

    @WildECoyote: Could you please upload a patch of your modified dll's? I will look at them and check what I can do before 1.0.1 is released.



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  • August 14, 2007
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    Well hell this is a nice surprise. Garry I'll be testing your build out in a couple hours, I'll post logs whether it works or not just so you have some feedback.



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  • October 14, 2008
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    in general the HDPVR should work with the latest public build, because the general issue with analog cards like the HDPVR was fixed in this build.

    @WildECoyote: Could you please upload a patch of your modified dll's? I will look at them and check what I can do before 1.0.1 is released.


    When I modified the 3/7 build, the only thing I changed was reducing the PMT value so it didnt take 10 seconds to start timeshifting.

    Garry just posted a new build, you might ask him what he has updated....

    Wile E.


    Portal Pro
    December 11, 2005
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    I just got the latest from SVN and left my HD-PVR mods as-is. I have no idea if it is better or worse than unmodified SVN, but I'll compare the two when I get a chance.


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  • August 14, 2007
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    The "stock" 3-22 svn's didn't work for me with my HD-PVR - the server portion seems to start timeshifting/recording ok, but the client shows video/audio for roughly a second and just freezes after that.

    Initially I thought it was a codec problem on my end, but I tested it on a clean Vista SP1 build with just MediaPortal and the Arcsoft codecs installed and it still did it, plus when I rolled back to the 12-22 svn on the server and client it once again worked perfectly. So I'm eager to try Garry's mods when I get home.

    Was anyone else able to get the 3-22 stock build to work?


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    in general the HDPVR should work with the latest public build, because the general issue with analog cards like the HDPVR was fixed in this build.

    @WildECoyote: Could you please upload a patch of your modified dll's? I will look at them and check what I can do before 1.0.1 is released.


    Mister D,
    I just installed the 'stock' SVN from 3/22 and then changed the time out from 10000 to 100 in the OnGraphStart() method. It lets the timeshifting start in less than 2 seconds, and channel changes are almost immediate. I have posted the DLL's if anyone is interested.

    Wile E.

    /// <summary>
    /// Should be called when the graph is about to start
    /// Resets the state
    /// If graph is already running, starts the pmt grabber to grab the
    /// pmt for the new channel
    /// </summary>
    public override void OnGraphStart()
    Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: subch:{0} OnGraphStart", _subChannelId);

    if (SetupPmtGrabber(256, _serviceID))
    DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
    while (_pmtVersion < 0)
    Log.Log.Write("subch:{0} wait for pmt", _subChannelId);
    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - dtNow;
    if (ts.TotalMilliseconds >= 100)
    Log.Log.Debug("Timedout waiting for PMT after {0} seconds. Increase the PMT timeout value?", ts.TotalSeconds);


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2008
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    It's good to see this thread alive again :)

    I just tried 3/22 again and it detects my card by when I try to start timeshift it loops in waiting for pmt.
    Did anyone else get a problem like that?
    I doubt it has anything with codecs, but should I check them?


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  • August 14, 2007
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    I installed stock, then applied the file changes WileE uploaded.

    At first, I had the exact same issue - video and audio would start on the client, then freeze after a second or two. I could rewind to the beginning and have that second or two play over and over all I wanted but that's as far as I got.

    On a hunch I restarted my TV server. Now, I get perfect video....but no audio at all. Sound works elsewhere in MP - even the remote clicks while in TV - but nothing from the HD-PVR.

    The one thing I can think of is I had my HD-PVR set to output AC3 instead of AAC, and am using two channel audio. I see in MP that the AAC audio codec is being built in the graph, not AC3. Damned if I can figure it out but I'll fiddle with this some more since I think I'm close.

    Update - got audio working. I had MP set to receive AC3 and when I rebooted the HD-PVR reset itself back to using AAC for 2 channel - lovely. I'll figure that out later but right now I have a working 3-22 solution. Thanks!!

    WileE, using your TVServer files my channel changes are as fast as ever but it still takes about 10-12 seconds for the PMT to start - any ideas where I could start looking?


    Portal Member
    October 21, 2008
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    I've been using MP for quite a while but this is my first time dealing with the TV server and this PVR and I am frustrated. MP stops responding on me when I either change a channel or turn TV mode on. Is there specific way to set the PVR up with TV Server? I don't want timeshifting right at the moment. I just want the ability to view/record what goes into the PVR.

    I am running the 20090326 build that garry posted yesterday.

    My apologies ahead of time if this has been covered. My head started spinning after reading 30+ pages of this thread so I might have skipped something along the way.

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