Hi - Thanks for your quick response!Couple things:
First, is there a particular reason you're using the svn? You should be on 1.01 with the rest of us. The HD-PVR is fully supported in the latest release version and in fact several issues with it are fixed (not to mention with the TV Server). 1.01 is many builds ahead of 3.26 so I advise doing a clean uninstall and then installing it.
Second you will make your life 1000x easier, as a US TV viewer, if you use Schedules Direct (Schedules Direct). It's $15 a year and worth every cent.
If you use it you can use the Schedules Direct plugin, I rebuilt the last version of it, it works fine. It's located in the plugin section.
I have (previously) downloaded and installed MP and TVS 1.01 (doing a clean all uninstall prior). When I launched the TV server config utility it did not list my HDPVR under the TV Servers entry in the tree.
Also, I had installed the SD plugin but for some reason it didn't work either (don't recall the problem).
I'll try both again and report back the results. BTW - I am downloading 1.01 package starting from the MP home page (both are bundled together). I assume this is the correct distribution.
Thanks again,