initial support for Hauppuage HD-PVR (17 Viewers)


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  • February 5, 2009
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    I noticed the same thing ixian. For some reason MP was double loading the Arcsoft video codec, so I just tried to switch back to the default codecs on a whim and they work perfectly. I even checked with graphedit just to make sure it was using something different. Makes it pretty sweet to have some options now!

    Sidenote - I got something wrong in my TV channel database and I need to dump it again. Since this is a single installable, is there an easier way to uninstall just the TV Server portion of MP without getting rid of all of my MP Client settings / DB info? I do want to dump the TV Server DB info though. Just afraid of having to setup Moving Pictures and MP-TV Series all over again. Thanks again guys for the tip on the separate input setting for the HD-PVR


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  • August 14, 2007
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    You should have two options in add/remove programs - one for MediaPortal, and one for MediaPortal TV Server. If you uninstall the latter it won't touch the former, just make sure you don't choose "complete" MediaPortal product cleanup because that WILL uninstall everything.

    Or you could simply make a backup of your MovingPictures, MyTVSeries, etc databases (in Program Data\MediaPortal\db) and their associated artwork (Program Data\MediaPortal\thumbs). I did that all the time when I messed around with svn's.


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2008
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    I can confirm that 1.0.1 also work on my setup. Well mostly works.
    I'm still having issues with ServerBlaster. When I use ixian's 3/22 build of ServerBlaster the HDPVR locks up, forcing me to power cycle and restart TV Server service. If I turn the plugin off I can use the TV client with no issues.
    I know some of you are using serial cable to do channel changing, sadly my STB doesn't support this.
    Are there any other options for blasting using the HDPVR's blaster?
    I also have a Nova-S PCI card, it's disabled because I don't use it currently. Perhaps I could use it's blaster capabilities?


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  • August 14, 2007
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    Oops, I forgot to rebuild the Hauppauge blaster plugin against 1.01, sorry. I'll do that today.

    That said, as I posted earlier in this thread I think the built in blaster is a POS :) If you are willing to spend a little money either the USB-UIRT or the stock Microsoft MCE/eHome receiver w/two port blaster are better options. I use the USB-UIRT myself (with the IR Server Suite program/plugin) and my channel changes are lightning fast.


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2008
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    Actually, I just updated the Hauppauge IR Blaster software, the latest is now 27070 I was running 26xxx.
    It seems to work fine now! Too bad it still slow though.

    I was looking for a cheaper solution than the USB-UIRT, perhaps a serial like this one MythTV LIRC RS232 IR Blaster
    It says it's for MythTV but I'm sure it's compatible with IR Server suite.

    I just tried replacing TVLibrary.dll from 1.0.1 to Wile's build and my HDPVR froze just like before.
    It seems like the issue might be related to blasting + pmt ??

    Conclusion, get a new IR blaster!!


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  • August 14, 2007
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    Actually, I just updated the Hauppauge IR Blaster software, the latest is now 27070 I was running 26xxx.
    It seems to work fine now! Too bad it still slow though.

    I was looking for a cheaper solution than the USB-UIRT, perhaps a serial like this one MythTV LIRC RS232 IR Blaster
    It says it's for MythTV but I'm sure it's compatible with IR Server suite.

    I just tried replacing TVLibrary.dll from 1.0.1 to Wile's build and my HDPVR froze just like before.
    It seems like the issue might be related to blasting + pmt ??

    Conclusion, get a new IR blaster!!

    I know $50 is a lot to spend for a stupid blaster.

    I also know my USB-UIRT worked in 2002 with the old Media Center, sat in a box for 6+ years, moved between two houses/states, then when it was plugged back in two months ago immediately started working again. It also changes channels as fast as I can using my STB's remote, works with just about everything, and can control up to 4 STB's with a $2 Radio Shack adapter.

    What I'm saying here is sometimes, you do get what you pay for :D


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  • February 5, 2009
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    I can confirm that I'm using the Haupauge plugin that ixian compiled for SVN and WileE's tvlibrary.dll file and everything is working fine. You could be in the same boat I'm in sjeffery and the Hauppauge blaster plugin is trying to use your PCI card instead of the HD-PVR. Solution: Hook up your blaster to your PCI card and enable it. See if it's the one to blast your STB. Try it both via MP and the blastercfg.exe file that comes with your Hauppauge products (the one you had to config the blaster with in the first place). If not, I suggest ya get a USB-UIRT or some other blaster.

    Also, as for locking up with the tvlibrary.dll file, did ya remember to change the PMT setting to 2 or 3 in General Settings --> Scan in the TV Server config?


    Portal Member
    February 6, 2007
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    For some reason I cannot use the 1.0.1 GA build at all with my HD-PVR. I've tried wiley's TVLibrary.dll and still no success. My HD-PVR needs to be power cycled everytime I try to preview/view a channel with it. I was using garry's 12/22 SVN build for a while with few problems.

    I've done a complete uninstall, dropped by DB etc. Anyone else having problems?


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2008
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    jbf, are you using the HDPVR's ir blaster? If I try to use it mine freeze up as well.
    I ordered a USB-UIRT, hopefully it will ship soon :)


    Portal Pro
    September 21, 2006
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    Has anyone tried the 'upgrade' rather than a complete uninstall? I'm running the original MP 1.0 with the patch for HDPVR along with a patch for the HDPVR channel changer. I haven't installed any SVNs.

    Seems like every time I move to a new version of MP, I spend the next week trying to get my remote to change channels. With the comments here, it seems like that would be the case again.

    Anyone got MP 1.0.1 working with the DHPVR channel changer? When I read Chesh's comment it shoulds like he got it working but then he goes to say that an external changer might be the way to go. Sorry, but I'm a little confused here.

    Thanks to all the developers. I certainly appreciate all the effort that's been put into getting the HDPVR working in MP

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