Yea, I may wait for the next release to upgrade. There are a few guys having issues with their Schedules Direct account, and I dont feel like reaching into that can of worms... Which reminds me, Ixian, were you going to build the 1.1a Shedules Direct that Patrick posted against the latest SVN? Or maybe you did and I missed it?
What's the issue with SD?
I'm asking because I had problems last night with 4TR and SD, I thought I was either crazy or something had changed on he 4TR side. Maybe it had to do with MP and SD.
My problem was that my channels in MP are using {number} {callsign} while 4TR seems to use station name. None of my channels were linked to guide channels anymore. I don't know at what point this happened since I had only been using 4TR for a few days. In the end I used a SQL script to link the externalID with the xmltvID and I got everything back to normal.